Page 32 of Forbidden Target
Itighten the velcro straps of my bulletproof vest before pulling my shirt back on. Adrenaline rushes through my veins as seventeen other men and I prepare our weapons, confirm everyone's role in the operation, and outfit ourselves with knives and extra magazines. My mind goes over the plan in my head as I put a couple of magazines on my utility belt.There are three entrances: front, side, and back. Auction is taking place in the main hub of the warehouse; point of entry for quicker access—side entrance. Two armed guards at the front of the building, two snipers on the roof. One armed man at both the front and back door.I shove a magazine into my rifle and cock it, still filtering through the information I know.The majority of the security will be inside the building during the auction. Phase I: Secure the outside perimeter before breaching. Phase II: Secure the lobby and hallways. Phase III: Dismantle auction.
"Ready to rock and roll when you are, Lone Wolf," Bentley says as he passes me, pulling me out of my mental walkthrough. I nod to acknowledge, grinning at the mention of my nickname. I normally did missions alone, as I didn't care for the distractions of having to keep up with multiple people or riskhaving a kink that could derail the mission. But for a takedown this big, it's all hands on deck, so I welcomed the team of men who agreed to help.
"Our snipers are positioned in the trees already." Jason approaches me, tightening his bulletproof vest. "Waiting on your call to take out their two snipers and the two men up front."
I nod. "We need to get moving. The auction is starting so we have the element of surprise since they're not expecting anyone else to enter the building since everyone on the guest list has been accounted for."
Jason taps the top of the cargo van. "Those riding with me, load up," he orders.
Excited energy buzzes in the night air as the group splits into two separate vehicles. Once I was in the passenger seat, I press my earpiece. "Testing," I say.
"Hear you loud and clear, Lone Wolf," Cameron replies. Anthony closely follows Jason. It was a little dangerous driving in the dark without headlights, making sure to stay far away from the building so that the snipers don't blow our position and alert the others. We park the vans behind tall hedges before getting out and covering the side of the van with a matte green tarp to prevent any light that may hit the surface. We remain behind the bushes, the others huddling around me.
"Once Cameron and his partner give the all clear, we're splitting into groups of five. You four, with me"—I point at Louis, James, Cole, and Aaron—"you four with Jason, and the remainder of you with Bentley. My team will hit the front and work our way to the back. Jason, your team take the side, and Bentley, your team has the back door. Take out anyone who is an immediate threat, even the guests if they're armed. Are we all clear on that?"
"Clear," they all murmur in unison.
I press a finger to my earpiece. "On your mark, Cameron."
"Roger that."
Raising my binoculars, I find a small clearing between the tall hedges and lift my binoculars, zooming in on the snipers. Two men are poised on the rooftop, their heads on a swivel as two men pace the ground below. I nearly hold my breath as I wait, and it's not long before the familiar sounds of MK12 bullets sailing through the night sky. I watch through the binoculars as the two rooftop snipers drop like a sack of bricks, the two guards on the ground falling soon after.
"Let's move," I order. Each group splits off in their respective direction, and my team heads toward the front entrance. Adrenaline vibrates deep within my bones as I keep my head on a swivel, constantly listening for anything that seems out of place or if someone tries to attack us by surprise. Once we reach the door, I frown when we find it locked unless a security badge is used. I reach down and snatch one of the dead men's ID badges off and hold it against the scanner on the wall of the building, watching as the access light goes from red to green.
I push open the door, clearing my immediate surroundings before leading the rest of my team in. We keep our steps light as we advance through the small makeshift lobby, and it's not until we hit the first hallway that we encounter the first wave of a counterattack. Gunfire rings out from both sides, and I know it's only a matter of time before the noise alerts the rest of the building. Bodies fall around us as we continue advancing, checking our surroundings as we move deeper into the warehouse.
"Mid warehouse is clear," Jason says in my ear.
"Front is clear," I respond. "Bentley, what's your status?"
"Under fire in the auction area," his urgent voice exclaims as bullets pop off in the background. Civilians are at risk of being hit if we don't contain the threat."
"On our way," I replied.
We pick up the pace and eventually catch up with Jason and his team before bursting into the auction room. Pure chaos fills the space as guests try to filter out of the limited emergency exits to escape the storm of bullets flying around the room. My eyes scan the room to find five women all tethered together on a long chain. They're all naked, their tears creating black streaks down their faces as their mascara runs. Anger warms my blood when I notice the fresh bruises that cover their pale skin. Their wide, frightened eyes look around in panic as they huddle to the side of the stage, flinching each time a gun goes off.
"Jason, take your team to secure the women and get them out of here," I order, returning gunfire, and a group of men dressed in nearly identical suits fires their pistols in our direction. "My group, on my lead."
We split up once again, my team moving in the direction of where the majority of the guests are fleeing. I keep my eyes peeled as I look for the man I've only seen so far in photos. Christian Rosario is a tall, lanky man with a distinct burn on the side of his face that disfigured him enough to make him stand out in a crowd. He stood a couple of feet from the women with his hands in his pockets, completely unfazed by everything around him. A sinister grin settles on his lips when his eyes land on me.
"Instead of coming here, you should've been watching your girlfriend better," he tsks with a shake of his head. My vision goes red as I fire multiple shots into his torso. Jason and his eyes rush the stage and help the girls stand to their feet while the rest of us make a path of escape through the back door. Even as we rush out of the building, I can only focus on Morgan and the veiled threat Christian left behind.
You should've watched your girlfriend better.
Jason helps the women into the van before shutting the door and looking at me for instruction. "Take them to The Hotel," I say quickly. "Natalie will be able to help them reunite with their family."
"You got it," he answers with a nod before he and a few others jump into the van with him.
Panic seizes my chest as I race down the road to Morgan's house. I call one of the men responsible for looking after her, only for his phone to go straight to voicemail. I try the other number only to get the same result, which does nothing for my needling anxiety.
"Come on, pick up!" I bellow, calling again. I even call Morgan and don't get an answer, which is unusual for her.
I toss the phone into the cup holder and press the gas pedal to the floor. Every possible worst-case scenario fills my mind as I get closer to town. I weave in and out of traffic, blowing my horn as if I'm able to make cars disappear out of my way if I hit it enough times. By the time I get to her house, I skid to a stop in her driveway, the car barely in park before I jump out and run to the front door.
Every hair on my body stood on edge when I easily push the door open, the house dead silent. "Hello?" I call out but don't get a response. I check every room on the ground floor but find no one, the same for upstairs as well. I return to the foyer and run a frustrated hand through my hair before a single note on the small table in the foyer.