Page 11 of Forbidden Target
"I'll send you the link to her video as well as the website of the company in question so you can dig a little deeper."
"Great. I'll look into that for you and see what I can find." She pauses for a moment. "And while it's great that you're getting intel that can potentially save a life in the event that this hit is unjust, remember that it's not a good idea to get close to her. Until proven otherwise, she's still your target."
Reality quickly settles back in. It's so easy to forget the true nature of things when you're enjoying yourself. Being around Morgan feels so normal that it's almost easy to forget that I'm contracted to end her life. And even if I ended up growing closeto her, there's no way I'd be able to save her. Even if I can't pull the trigger to finish the job, The Hotel will just send someone else who will without any hesitation. If I want to keep her safe in the meantime, I have to stay on task and remain professional.
"It's purely business," I finally answer.
"Good. I'll be awaiting your information," she says and hangs up. I grab the links to both the website and Morgan's replay video of her life and send them to Natalie. My eyes drift up to Morgan's room window. My mouth goes dry as I watch her take off her dress, her perky tits coming into view before she disappears in the direction of her en suite bathroom. When she doesn't reappear, I force myself to get back out of my car and march back up to her front door, knocking firmly. So many questions fill my head as I knock even harder on the door. I wonder if her father knew. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt to think that he's probably oblivious about any sketchy business because why would a father want to set up his own daughter? But I've seen scenarios like this before. When you're deep in the life of crime, sometimes greed has no bounds. Most bad guys aren't above throwing the people they love under the bus if it means they'll gain something from it. Either way, I'm determined to get to the bottom of this.
Her father snatches the front door open, his face red as he glares at me. "Are you trying to punch a hole into my front door?" he fusses, inspecting the door. "What is it?"
"Who do you get your advertising deals from?" I ask.
His mouth gapes open as he looks at me in shocked disbelief. "Excuse me? I don't see how that's any of your business?—"
"Just answer the question," I snap, my patience wearing thin.
His face turns even more red as he becomes flustered with my question. "That isn't your business. I don't know where youget off thinking you can question me about something that has nothing to do with you, but it's in your best interest to leave."
"If you don't have anything to hide, why can't you answer a simple question?" I cock my head to the side. "I mean, if you're not doing anything illegal or criminal, why are you being so secretive with who you get your advertising deals from?"
I don't miss the blood that drains from his face at my words, but he quickly regains his composure. He knows more than what he's willing to tell me, which only makes my earlier beliefs ring true. He has something to deal with this and has somehow gotten Morgan involved.
"I don't have to answer to the likes of you," he growls. "Get off my property before I'm forced to call the police."
I tighten my jaw as I stare at him. As bad as I want to push him for the answers I seek, police presence wouldn't do me any good while I'm on a mission. I take a few steps backward, never taking my eyes off him.
"Just know I'm watching you," I grind out between my teeth before I spin on my heels and head back toward my car.
I'm hardly in the driver's seat when the front door slams shut. He's definitely a part of this somehow, and now his daughter is potentially in danger because of it.
Now, I have to figure out how to keep her safe while cleaning up the potential mess her father has made for her.
Ilinger around outside, my eyes anxiously searching to see if Trent is anywhere near. After the way he stormed out of my bedroom last night, I wondered if I'd done or said something to upset him. It's so strange how he'd swooped into my life and taken over every thought in my head. I've only known the man for a couple of days, and the simple thought of not seeing him today or not being around him is enough to upset me. I've never been like this over a guy, especially one who I haven't even known long. What in the world has he done to me?
When he doesn't show up before my first class, I reluctantly make my way into the building. I can't help but to think that he may be done with me. I try to think of everything that's happened in the past twenty-four hours to see if I can figure out his cold distance, but nothing stands out. We'd had a great date, and he'd seemed fine until after my live. And I can't seem to think of why talking about lipstick would bother him so much.
I take a seat in the back, surprised when Matthew literally avoids me. I watch him with a raised brow as he quickly moves in the opposite direction and sits in the back clear across the room. I'm not sure what happened to him after class yesterday,but he hasn't said a single word since I left. He didn't even harass me during my life like usual, which was a nice change. Whatever has changed his ways seems to have worked, so I wouldn't complain. Dealing with Trent's silence is bad enough; avoiding Matthew's harassment will at least redeem the rest of the day.
My phone vibrates in my bag, and Trent's name on my screen instantly brings a smile to my face.
Trent: Sorry for having to leave so soon last night. It wasn't because of anything you'd done, so don't think I'm mad at you or anything. I just had something really important to handle that I'd forgotten about. To apologize, I want to invite you to dinner at my place tonight if that's okay. I'd really like to see you again.
Just reading his text douses the doubt and worry that once plagued my mind. It's a relief to know that things are still good between us. I quickly reply.
Morgan: It's okay. I was worried that I might've upset you or something. But sure, I'd love to have dinner with you. Just let me know the time.
Trent: I can pick you up after your last class if that's okay.
I confirm our plans before putting my phone to sleep. Giddy energy ebbs and flows throughout my body as my mind drifts off to thoughts of Trent. It's one thing to go out on dates in restaurants or him being in my bedroom while my dad is home, but this will be the first time we're truly alone. I don't evenrealize I'm biting my bottom lip until the subtle sting of my teeth snaps me back to my present reality. The professor's lecture on our upcoming essay goes in one ear and out the other as I stare up at the clock, anxiously counting down the time until I get to see Trent again.
Trent is alreadyin the parking lot by the time I exit my last class. It takes everything in me not to run to his car the minute I see his text message alerting me that he's on campus. I try to play it cool by pacing myself, not trying to appear too eager but not wanting to seem uninterested. He smiles at me when I get into the passenger side, leaning over and pressing a kiss to my cheek.
"Ready to get this party started?" he asks as he makes his way out of the parking lot and into traffic.