Page 10 of Belong to You (Cole 1)
“Thank you.” I slipped the t-shirt on over my head and let the towel drop to the floor. “Why is Sienna expecting us?”
“I made plans with Tyler, we are taking you ladies to the other side of the island for surfing lessons.” I squealed with excitement and jumped up and down. His mouth twitched and he laughed.
The bathroom in the suite was heavily stocked with some of the essentials I was missing, moisturizer, a toothbrush and a blow dryer. I did my morning routine as best as I could and blow dried my long hair.
When I came out fifteen minutes later, Jack had a full breakfast delivered. “Hungry?” I smiled. “Question number 5. Starving.”
“That does not count as a personal question, babe. A personal question is how many partners have you had or how old were you when you lost your virginity.”
“Okay then. Question number 5. One, actually two now. And 16.”
“That shouldn’t count either, I wasn’t asking the question…wait, what, did you say one?” His head snapped to look at me as I sipped my juice.
“Yep, you are number two.” I could tell by his face that he was shocked at my answer. His reaction made me curious enough to cash in a question. “And how many partners have you had Jack?”
“Is that question number 8?” I nodded.
“More than two?” His response was a question, as if to ask if that was going to be an acceptable answer.
“I’m going to need a little more specific of an answer?” I smiled and waited for his answer, letting his squirm for a while.
Even though I had only been with one man, it didn’t mean that I was naïve. I knew that a man that looked the way he does would have ample opportunity.
“I don’t have an exact count.” He said after considering his response.
I found it adorable that he was afraid to give me an answer. “Ballpark babe.”
His eyes looked away from me.
“Somewhere between 500 and 1,000?” I spit my juice all over the place.
Holy. Shit. I knew he was handsome and it sounded like he was wealthy, but 500 to 1000, really? That wasn’t normal, was it? I made a mental note to ask Sienna about it.
“That’s crazy, how do you have time for anything else?” I teased.
He looked embarrassed and it made me feel badly for playing with him.
“I’m teasing. I guess I’m a lucky woman then to have my rebound fling have such experience. I’ll be expecting to learn a lot of new tricks this week playboy.” I saw him flinch, so I jumped up into his arms, wrapping my legs around him. He wrapped his arms around my bottom to hold me in place. “You have no underwear on. If you don’t want me to f**k you on the serving cart and be late to meet your friend, you better jump down and eat quickly.”
I kissed him on the cheek and smiled, letting him know that I wasn’t really upset. Then I jumped down and ate my breakfast because I was sure that Jack would make good on his word if I tempted him.
Chapter 5
The ride to the other end of the island was amazing. Jack rented an open air jeep and Sienna and I sang loudly along with most of the songs on the radio. The scenery was beautiful and we all laughed and enjoyed the ride. I found myself again thinking about how long it had been since I felt so carefree and happy.
We arrived at the beach and went toward the beach hut to check in for our surf lessons. The guy working looked like he just stepped out of a surfer magazine. He hand long, sun-bleached hair, a dark tan and was wearing sunglasses secured with a lanyard around his head loosely. As we approached he came around the counter smiling.
“Jack, dude, long time no see.” He clasped Jack’s hand and pulled him into a one armed guy hug.
“Bones, how are you man? It’s been a while.” Jack responded.
“All good, all good. Still taking it one wave at a time. I got the message you were coming down today to get some friends lessons so I had to stop down and check things out. You gonna catch some waves with me for old times sake while your friends get their school on?”
“Sounds good, as long as you let me ride the bone maker.”
Bones laughed and walked around the corner. “You got it man, you know I don’t let just anyone ride the bone maker.”
“I’m touched.” Jack held his hand over his heart in feigned sincerity.
“So who we got here, these two beautiful women have names playboy?” Bones motioned in our direction.
“This is Sydney and Sienna. And the big ugly guy is Tyler.” Tyler shook his head and laughed, the two men focused their attention on insulting each other, but underneath there was warmth that told their true friendship.
“Where’s Val, she’s going to give Syd a lesson today.” Jack looked around as he spoke.
“Sorry dude, they tried to call you back, but you had already left. Vall couldn’t get here…she’s stuck on Maui doing a pho-toshoot for some suntan lotion shit. She was supposed to be back this morning, but, Vall being Vall and all, she missed her flight. But don’t worry man, we hooked you up, Guy Stokes was in town for a qualifying round for the nationals and we got him to fill in for Val.” Bones motioned toward the water to a surfer walking our way carrying his board.
Holy. Shit. I thought I’d died and gone to surfer god heaven. The man coming toward us was breathtaking. Tall, lean and perfectly tanned with a chiseled face and long bleached hair pulled back in a loose pony tail. Definitely not the kind of man I would normally be attracted to, but that kind of man doesn’t walk by all too often.
“I hope that is my instructor, hot damn.” Sienna crowed, without a care in the world that the man she was currently sleeping with was standing right next to her. I looked to Tyler and he didn’t seem the least bit bothered by her comment.
Bones laughed. “Sorry there Sienna, Stokes is all for your friend today. He doesn’t usually give lessons, but we had to find some big guns to fill in for Val.”
“Bitch.” Sienna hissed at me.
Bones and I both laughed at Sienna’s response as the surfing god approached.
“Which one of you beautiful ladies is mine for the day?” Stokes flirted, giving his full attention to Sienna and I, completely ignoring Jack and Tyler.
“I raised my hand shyly. That would be me.”
“Damn, I’m one lucky man.” Stokes shook my hand, holding it longer than a normal handshake.
“I hope you go easy on me, it’s my first time.” I hadn’t meant it to come out so flirty, but it did nonetheless.