Page 9 of Free Fire Zone
“Whoa,” he huffed out a laugh. “You can’t just decide where your chair goes. It has to be functional for everyone.”
“I thought you might say that, which is why I have a proposal for you.”
He crossed his arms over his chest, already taking a firm no-give stance on the matter. “There’s nothing you could propose that would make me want to give up the perfect seat in the living room.”
“Okay, so I’m guessing you haven’t seen the master bathroom yet.”
His eyebrow twitched at the mention of the bathroom. A vain man like him wouldn’t be able to pass up the mirror or the luxury of the hot tub. Not to mention the features of the shower that did nothing for me.
“I doubt a bathroom would make me change my mind.”
“Alright, if you don’t care about the bathroom, I guess you can take whatever seat in the house you want. Did I mention that the shower has massage jets?”
His lips tightened, but he refused to give in. “I can go into town to get a massage.”
I nodded. “You’re right. It was silly of me to think that you would be concerned with that. Oh, and I’m sure you don’t care about the small mirror attached to the counter that conveniently slides into the wall when not in use. I mean, it’s one of those super nice ones that dermatologists use, but still…I’m sure the one you got from the store is fine.”
He swallowed hard. “It is.”
“I figured. Well, if you’ve got this covered, I’m gonna go up to my bathroom and take a soak in my new hot tub.”
I headed for the stairs, but he shot out in front of me, blocking the staircase. “Now, let’s just talk about this a minute.”
“Sure. What do you want to talk about?”
“Is there a lot of drawer space?”
My lips twitched in victory. “That and two closets.”
“Have fun sitting in your chair,” he said, twisting and taking the stairs two at a time.
Chuckling to myself, I walked back to my recliner and plopped down in it. This was the life. Once I got the big screen installed, I’d be able to watch the game in luxury. I pressed the button on the arm of my chair, opening up the fridge on the side. The bottles clanked against each other as the drawer opened. I grabbed a beer, popping the top and tossing it over my head toward the kitchen. I closed the mini fridge and popped up the footrest.
“Ah, this is it.”
I sat back and relaxed, finally feeling at home. While it was nice to have people around, sometimes a guy just needed a place to hang out and chill.
“Okay, I totally give up rights to the chair in the living room. That bathroom is worth it,” Brock said as he came downstairs. He plopped on the floor, leaning back against the wall. “Should we try and get another piece of furniture in here?”
“Like a couch?” I asked, glancing at the one stuck in our doorway.
“I could go for another recliner. We could bring it in through the back.”
“Or…” I said, just thinking out loud. “We could try and remove that one from the doorway.”
We both looked at it, then each other and started laughing. There was zero chance of us trying to wrangle that thing through the door anytime soon.
“Hey,” I said, kicking the footrest down. “You know what we need around here?”
“Besides a big screen TV?”
“A pool table,” I said, snapping my fingers at him. “Just think about it. We could put the TV on that wall,” I said, pointing at the wall across from me. “And the pool table can go here,” I said, rushing over to the open space between us and the kitchen.
“You don’t think we need a dining room table?”
“For what? All the dinner parties we’re going to throw?”
“Well, if we get a pool table, then we really need a game room.”