Page 138 of Free Fire Zone
“It’s actually good news. The test that came back abnormal was the HCG test.”
I looked at her strangely. “The what?”
“You’re pregnant,” she smiled.
I stared at her a little longer. “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
“Yeah,” Dash huffed out a laugh. “We only had sex ton—” He stopped and slowly turned to face me. His eyes dropped to my belly and then his hand slowly reached out as I stared at him like a freak. “Holy crap,” he whispered. “We created a new life. We’re gonna be parents!”
I grabbed his hand before he could touch me and flung him away. “Hold the boat there, Larry. I’m not pregnant. And you can’t get pregnant that fast.”
“Larry?” Dash looked at me funny. “I’m Dash!” he said loudly, emphasizing each word. “Are you sure that CAT scan came back clean?”
Again, the doctor grinned like this was some fucking joke. “Yes, I’m positive, and…you are pregnant.”
I shook my head, still unable to believe it. “No, that’s not possible. I haven’t…” I cleared my throat, feeling awkward at admitting this. “Um…I haven’t had sex in areallylong time. I mean, until tonight.”
“Wait, does that test really not show up that fast?” Dash asked, his eyes shifting to me with uncertainty.
“No, it wouldn’t show up that fast.”
Dash spun on me, lashing out immediately. “You slept with him?”
“With who?”
He huffed, turning away from me. “I knew it. I fucking knew you were sleeping with Andrew!”
I scoffed, shocked at his massive A-hole tongue-lashing. “Are you serious right now? It’s obviously a mistake,” I hissed. “I haven’t beenwith anyone. I just said that. Unless you count me having sex with you while I sleep, and I’m pretty sure that’s not how you make babies.”
“Wait, what are you talking about?”
“I, uh…I think I’ll leave you two to discuss this,” the doctor said, slipping away before she could get caught up in the drama.
“I mean that I had sex with you in a dream,” I said through gritted teeth. “It was the night you were on all those painkillers. I drank way too much and had this insane dream that we slept together,” I admitted, flushing bright red. God, that was embarrassing to admit. “I even woke up with my panties all wet, if you must know.”
“Wait…after I was shot with the nail gun?”
I pressed my fingers to my temples. “I know what you do. You don’t have to lie about how you got shot.”
His brows furrowed as if he didn’t understand what I was saying. For a moment, he looked completely lost, then his eyes shot up to mine. “It was real.”
“What was real?”
“The dream!” His face broke out in a smile. “I had the same dream. All this time, I’ve been kicking myself, imagining what it would be like to havethat dream, but not a dream. You know what I’m saying?”
I did, but I still didn’t know what he was talking about. “Yeah, but?—”
“But it was real,” he barked out a laugh. “I had the same dream that night! Don’t you see?”
“No, I really don’t.”
He rushed forward and gripped my hands. “All this time—we’ve both been wishing we could be with the other, but we already were. I thought I was doped up on painkillers, but…I remember it so clearly. I still remember what it was like to be inside you, to feel your pussy clenching around me as you came. And it was so hot…so…”
“I woke up to you rolling over me. You were kissing my neck and?—”
“And then I buried my fingers inside you,” he said in a deep voice that sent shivers down my spine. “In the morning, I could still smell you on my fingers, but I told myself it was a dream. I thought I was so fucked up on painkillers that I dreamt the whole fucking thing.” Hishand came up to brush the hair away from my face, then he cupped my cheek as he pushed himself between my knees. “But the truth is, we both knew we wanted each other then. And now…” His hand slid down my chest, brushing over my breast before coming to rest on my belly. “God, this is so fucking amazing. We’re gonna have a baby.”
For the first time since this started, I bit my lip, fighting back tears. It was real. It was all so real. I was with Dash and we were going to have a baby. Yeah, it was moving really fast, but he was already a huge part of my life. This felt right.