Page 135 of Free Fire Zone
I slapped my hand against her cheek, but her head just lolled to the side. I thrust my hands through my hair, squeezing my head tight. “Oh shit. I broke her. Fuck!”
I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her, but still, there was nothing. Scrambling across the bed, I grabbed my phone and dialed the first number in my phone.
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! I broke her!”
Panicked, I thrust my fingers through my hair and squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to get a grip on reality. In a flash, my eyes sprung open and I whirled into action, grabbing the whole sheet and wrapping it around her body. I waited for Brock to answer as I scooped Laura into my arms and rushed downstairs.
“If you’re calling to brag about how much you’re getting laid?—”
I cut Brock off, terrified that I had killed Laura. “I broke her!”
“Dude,” he chuckled. “I don’t need to know the details. But good job.”
“No, you don’t understand. She’s not waking up. I think I literally broke her with my cock!”
I stomped out to the truck, realizing a second too late that I didn’t even have underwear on. I turned around and rushed back inside, nearly tripping on the sheet wrapped around her.
“Yeah, every guy thinks that. It’s not a real thing.”
“I’m serious. She’s not waking up, man! I even slapped her.”
“Domestic violence is not something I take lightly,” he said in a sharp tone.
“Would you fucking listen? She’s not. Waking. Up!”
Silence greeted me for just a moment. “Wait, like…seriously?”
“Seriously! Shit, I…what do I do?” I rushed up the stairs as he continued to talk.
“Bury the body?”
“She’s not dead,” I snapped, gently setting her down on the bed. “And even if she was, why would I bury her?” I rushed around the room, grabbing sweats and a shirt.
“Well, usually when someone’s dead, you bury them,” he said nonchalantly.
“Yeah, in the 1700s when you were worried about spreading diseases!”
“Have you been checked lately?”
I pinched the bridge of my nose, doing my absolute best not to lose my shit and kill him through the phone. “Just get your ass over here.”
“Yeah, I’m not into doing it with another guy…”
“To help me,” I snapped. “I’m taking her to the hospital.”
“Then why would I go over there?”
I growled in frustration as I picked her back up and plopped the phone on top of her. “Brock, are you trying to fuck with me or do you just like being an asshole?”
“Fine, I’ll be right there.”
I made it down the stairs and out the door in record time. Getting her in the truck was an entirely different issue. I had to maneuver my hand with her head still dangling over my arm, which made it difficult. I pulled the handle, but didn’t get it open more than an inch before it shut again. I tried a second time with the same result. Cursing Brock under my breath, I jerked it open, pulling really hard. But I didn’t get the result I wanted. The door slammed into her head from the force I used.
“Shit!” I winced, gently setting her in the truck as I examined her head. She had a small cut that oozed blood, but I told myself that was normal. Head wounds tended to bleed a lot. I was just strapping her in when Brock pulled to a stop beside me.
“Alright, what the fuck is the—is she bleeding?” he asked, rushing over to my side.
“It was an accident!” I shouted.