Page 112 of Free Fire Zone
I glared at him for calling the guy hot. “There’s no accounting for taste.”
“Actually, there is. He’s hot and if you can’t see that, you’re fucking blind. You should have just taken your shot when you had the chance.”
“I never got the chance,” I argued. “She friend-zoned me!”
“I beg to differ. You sleep with her every night. She’s wrapped around you like a taco shell.”
“If only I was lucky enough to be the meat in her shell,” I muttered as I returned to my spying.
“This conversation is so weird.”
I ignored him and focused on the scene in front of me. She was clearly having a bad time. That was the second time the waiter filled her wine glass.
“I should go in there. She’s miserable.”
“Why do you say that? She looks like she’s having a great time,” Brock said, earning my ire.
“Do you see how much she’s drinking? She’s obviously bored to tears.”
“Or she really likes wine.”
“And look! Look!” I said, pointing as I still looked through my binoculars. “She just shoved his hand away!”
“Actually, I think they both reached for the bread at the same time. She was telling him he could have it.”
“No woman would give up the last piece of bread,” I scoffed.
“Maybe she’s watching her weight.”
“Seriously? Have you met Laura? She doesn’t need to watch her weight, and she’s not that vain.”
“She probably thinks this song is about her,” he sang in a woman’s voice.
Again, I lowered my binoculars and glared at him. “What are you doing?”
He frowned. “What? I was singing along. You know, keeping the entertainment value up.”
“There’s no entertainment value. We’re on a mission.”
“A stupid mission,” he muttered under his breath.
“It’s not stupid. I’m watching over her.”
“You’re acting like a lunatic,” he said, sitting up. “Look, I was willing to come along and make sure she was okay, and she clearly is.”
“Clearly? Are we really going there?”
“It’s obvious?—”
“Oh!” I practically shouted. “So, it’sobvious. I forgot about your superpowers—that you can hear inside the restaurant and know that she’s not being pressured to stay for the entire date!”
“We would know if you had gotten in and planted the bug like I told you to.”
“That would have been invading her privacy,” I argued.
“And this isn’t?” He grabbed me by the shoulders, shaking me harshly. “Pull yourself together, man! You’re going insane. She’s having a good time, and the only thing you’re getting out of this is a broken heart because you’re watching her date another man!”
I ground my teeth together in anger. He was wrong. She didn’t like this guy. She was just tolerating the date. Anyone with eyes could see that she wasn’t having a good time. “Fine, if you want to leave, then leave. I won’t stop you.”