Page 89 of Bite the Bullet
I glanced out at the cloudy skies, wishing I were anywhere but in Texas. “I really don’t know. I was supposed to tell someone that he had until midnight.”
“Last night,” he surmised.
“I’m assuming so, but I don’t know who this person was referring to.”
“Could it have been Jack?”
“I guess. Or it could have been Rico. I never wanted to know anything about what Rico did, and when he was sent to prison, it was a relief.”
“Is there any chance it was someone sent by Baz?
I shrugged, turning to face him. “Like I said, I don’t know anything about it. There was nothing more said to indicate whathewas supposed to deliver.”
“But we can assume that whoever this was thinks that you have regular contact with whoever was supposed to deliver by midnight.”
“Does it really matter?” I sighed. “It’s past the deadline, and frankly, I don’t care what happens to whoever doesn’t deliver. I have to think about my son. He’s the only one that matters.”
“Are you sure about this?”Pete asked for the tenth time as we pulled into the parking lot at the hospital.
“At this point, Baz already knows that I didn’t go to the police station.”
“All the more reason for you to come with me,” he argued.
“I need to go now,” I insisted. “I need to get Parker and run.”
“You said you don’t have any money. How are you going to get away?”
“I’ll pull out all the money I have in savings. It’s not a lot, but it’s enough to start over somewhere.”
I started to open the door, but he stopped me. “Just hold on,” he snapped. “There has to be something I can do to help you.”
I knew he felt bad for forcing my hand. If he hadn’t made me leave the hospital, I might have been able to get away with convincing Baz the zoo was just a way to make Parker feel better after his ordeal. But I evaded his men today, and he would have questions. There was nothing I could say at this point to change the outcome of what would happen. I had to pick up Parker and leave now.
“If you want to help…” I didn’t even know what to tell him. “Take care of Gina for me. I’m sure Baz will want to question anyone I knew from the hospital.”
He looked disappointed at the simple request, but that was the only thing I could allow him to do for me. That and…
“Can you get a note to someone for me?”
“Of course. But I wish you would let me do more.”
I kept this letter tucked into my purse at all times. It was for Aaron. As much as he’d helped me, I couldn’t leave without telling him goodbye. This wasn’t the way I wanted to do it, but I always knew when I decided to leave, I couldn’t let anyone know what I was planning.
I slid it into his palm and leaned in, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you.”
He studied the name on the letter, then looked at me. “Who is he?”
“A friend. He’s an EMT. He knows about Rico.”
“You trusted him,” he said quietly.
“I’ve known him for years. He knew what happened from the start.”
“I’ll make sure he gets it,” he said, holding his head high.
“Thank you.”
I got out and headed to my car, my eyes scanning the parking lot the whole time. The good news about choosing to leave today was that I wouldn’t have to deal with Denise anymore. She was one person I definitely wouldn’t miss.