Page 144 of Bite the Bullet
“Yeah, bud?”
“Do you think…Mama misses me?”
I bent down, looking him right in the eyes. It killed me when he asked questions like this. “Yeah, bud. I know she misses you.”
His lips pursed to the side as he stared at the floor. “She hasn’t called.”
I burst out laughing at the sad expression on his face. “Bud, she had to work early this morning. That’s all. But she’s going to pick you up from school today.”
“She is?” He perked up right away at hearing that.
“Yeah. And she also said she was taking you for ice cream, but don’t tell her I told you.”
“I won’t,” he said, shaking his head wildly.
My phone rang right on cue and Sky’s name came up on my caller ID. “Baby, your son misses you.”
“Put him on speakerphone,” she laughed.
I did as she asked and held the phone out for him. “Mama?”
“Yeah, baby?”
“I miss you.”
“I miss you too. I’m sorry I had to leave early this morning.”
“That’s okay. Jack said you’re taking me for ice cream after school!”
“What?” I laughed, shaking my head at the little rascal. “That was supposed to be our secret!”
“Yeah, but I never keep secrets from Mama,” he grinned, then shot out the door.
“Nice, Jack. Way to ruin the surprise.”
“I was trying to make him feel better,” I said, walking out the door and closing it behind me.
“Kids can’t keep secrets. You need to learn that.”
“Alright, lesson learned. Did you need anything?”
“Just to hear your voice.”
I grinned as I headed to the car. I would never get tired of hearing her voice or feeling her beside me at night. “Call me anytime.”
“You know I will. I have to go,” she chuckled. “See you tonight.”
“Love you.”
“Back at ya.”
I hung up, shaking my head at her phrase. She had yet to actually tell me she loved me, but I knew she did. I could feel it in her kisses and the way she held me at night. It shone bright in her eyes every time she looked at me.
I dropped Parker off at school, but couldn’t bring myself to go home yet. I stopped by the florist and bought a bouquet of flowers for Sky. I could just bring them home, but I wanted to surprise her. She’d gone in early today for inventory, so she wasn’t working with patients.
I pulled the door open to the office and strode inside, immediately getting a sappy look from Amelia, the receptionist when she saw me holding flowers. “I’ll get her for you.”