Page 124 of Bite the Bullet
He grabbed it and chugged the drink, nearly choking as he rushed over to the sink and spewed it out. “Fuck, that’s nasty. Why would you give that to me?”
“Fox made it,” Knight answered with the barest hint of a smile on his face.
“Right, well, I’m still perfecting the recipe,” Fox frowned. “I thought I had it right that time.”
“I need a cup of coffee,” Jason muttered, walking over to the cabinet to get his own mug. “That shit should never be allowed in the house.”
“But it’s good for you.”
“That shit will kill you,” Jason pointed out. “Death by vomiting.” He poured a cup, then turned to me, his eyes assessing me. “How are you holding up?”
“Oh, you know about as good as any woman that’s been separated from her kid while on the run from her arms dealer ex.”
“Shouldn’t have gotten involved with him,” Knight muttered.
My eyes snapped to his in anger. “I didn’t get involved with him. It was a one-night stand that produced a child. I didn’t even know who he was, and by the time I did, it was too late.”
Fox rushed around the counter, holding his hands out as he grinned at me. “Whoa, just calm down. Have a smoothie,” he said, swiping the contents of the blender and pouring it into a cup. “I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it.”
“Yes, he did,” I snapped. “You think I just wandered into an arms dealer’s den and thought,hmm, what’s a great way to get some money?Guess what? I want nothing to do with them. And despite the unfortunate connection, I’ve managed to build a life of my own until I somehow got dragged into this stupid mess!”
“He would never suggest that you?—”
“Oh, shut up,” I snapped at Fox. “You’re so far up his ass, you can’t see the smoothie for what it is—a disgusting replacement for coffee.”
He looked hurt at first, then confused. “Um…what does being up his ass have to do with my smoothie? Are you suggesting it tastes like shit? Because that’s just mean.”
“I’m suggesting that you’re obsessed with this man and can’t see that he doesn’t even like you.”
Fox looked stricken, absolutely horrified by what I was saying. “Take it back.”
“Ask him yourself!” I snapped. “While you’re so busy trying to calm everyone else down, you can’t even read the signals in the room!”
Everything grew eerily silent around me. Jason was staring at the floor and Knight had some sort of evil look in his eyes, one that said he was going to bury my body outside—and I might still be alive when it happened. As for Fox, he cleared his throat and went to work cleaning up his mess. I had seriously overstepped on that one. I could only blame the fact that I was extremely stressed out, missing my son, and…oh yeah, was responsible for making sure Jack didn’t die. No pressure.
“I think I saw some berries outside that would be perfect for a smoothie. And you know, weeds actually make a great addition to any drink,” he grinned. “Call me if you need me!”
His voice was way too cheery, which only made me feel worse. I made the mistake of assuming the man had no feelings. I needed to fix this somehow, but before I got the chance, the door opened and Kate walked out, sensing the tension in the room.
“Okay, who got murdered?”
“Let’s go,” Knight said, shoving back from his chair. He shrugged out of his leather jacket and tossed it over the back, shooting a look at Jason with a nod.
“That’s it?” I asked. “What about Jack?”
“Jack will be fine, but he wants to do this on his own. You know what to do.”
I nodded. It wouldn’t be easy, but there was no other way around it if he refused to take the help.
“Just do the best you can. You have my number if you need me.”
Knight grabbed her hand and pulled her to the door. I felt absolutely shitty. This was not the way I wanted to start my day.
“I’m sorry,” I said to Jason, though he wasn’t the one that deserved the apology.
“Fox is an unusual case. You just have to get used to him.”