Page 71 of Balls to the Walls
I chuckled, sure he was pulling my leg, but then it became clear when he pulled out his gun that he wasn’t messing around.
“Sir, I can assure you, I am not disrespecting your daughter.”
But his eyes weren’t on mine. Even in the dark, I knew I was being dismissed. After all these years of not seeing her, all he wanted was his daughter back.
“Come closer, my child.”
A small squeak came from Honey as she stepped around me. None of this was right. I couldn’t allow her to go to a man she feared.
“Wait,” I said, holding out my arm to stop her. “This goes no further. You’ve seen the girl. That’s where this ends.”
My statement was bold and held a fierceness that even I didn’t know I possessed. I hadn’t known Honey for more than a few hours, but I was sure I would stand by her through anything, no matter the cost.
“You dare step between me and my daughter?” he asked.
There was a time in every man’s life when he had to choose between the hard way and the easy way. I was at the fork in the road. I could walk away and pretend I never saw Honey. She’d go on with her life, and I’d hopefully get back to mine. I was never one to insert myself into other people’s problems. Then again, I never walked away from a challenge. I tipped my imaginary fedora at the man and stood my ground.
“Nobody walks all over Honey.”
“I do not walk over her,” he hissed. “She is my daughter. I am here to protect her.”
“She doesn’t need protection from the likes of me. I intend to keep her safe, to protect her with my life.”
“And you are willing to shake on this?” the man asked, inclining his head. “You will swear an oath to protect my daughter at any cost, for all eternity?”
“For all eternity,” I vowed.
He thrust his hand toward me. I let it dangle there for just a moment. I was not a man to back out of a deal, but I also knew what I was getting into. Joining his family would put me in the crosshairs of a raging war I couldn’t control. But the time had come, and there was only one way forward.
I grasped his hand and squeezed hard, pulling him in for a hug. As he wrapped his hand around my back, I whispered in his ear, “You will never get her. She is mine now.”
“She is only yours once I see you walk down that aisle.” He stepped back and smiled at me. “We go to the church.”
He strode past us, whistling loudly as he stormed into the kitchen. Two men in leather jackets appeared, both of them packing and ready to kill.
“Come, we have much to do.”
“Boss, is this your daughter?” the one man asked.
Manuel turned and slapped his hand across the man’s face, instantly reminding him of his place. “You do not look at her. She is not yours to watch. Remember that.”
The man nodded, ducking his head. Wrapping my hand around Honey’s, we followed her father out the door and down the stairs. He was in charge now, and there was no backing out. We had to see this thing through to the end, or face a death so terrible, not even the vultures would find us.
“So…whoexactly are you in this story?” I asked. “Indiana Jones? Some forties mobster? I can’t get a handle on who you’re trying to play.”
I grabbed the gel off the counter and massaged it between my fingers, spreading it evenly for the best coverage in my hair. I stared at myself in the mirror and started sliding my fingers through the thick strands, making sure none of the pieces were either too thick or too thin. Some days, everything went to shit and I had to wash my hair again, just to get it right. But today was a good day. My hair fell into place exactly as it should. I grinned and shot myself a wink in the mirror.
Forgetting that I wasn’t alone, I turned and nearly scared the shit out of myself when I saw FNG leaning against the doorframe. “Jesus Christ, can’t you make some noise?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be highly trained?”
“I am, but I’m at home. I should be able to relax without you sneaking up on me.”
“I was actually having a conversation with you, but you got lost in doing your hair.”