Page 65 of Balls to the Walls
23 hours, 13 minutes, and 12 seconds since crossing into Utah…
“So,what made you want to go this way?” Sarah asked as I drove past the outskirts of town.
The wind was whipping through the Jeep, making it difficult to hear. But it also prevented her from asking too many questions, which was a good thing for me. As much as I liked this woman, she couldn’t be involved with me. It would never work out. My life was too dangerous.
“Everyone else was heading north. I figured we’d have a little more peace out this way,” I answered loudly.
“Right here,” she pointed at a turnoff.
I took the road, glad I was in a Jeep when we started bouncing all over the place. Clearly, the town wasn’t interested in filling in potholes out here. I pulled to a stop just outside a large rock formation and looked around the area, trying to see anything that might hint at treasure. Not that there would be a sign. That would be a little too obvious.
“So, what is this place?”
“It’s an old cave,” she grinned, unbuckling her seat belt. She hoisted herself up and jumped over the door, then took off toward the formation. I quickly followed, eager to spend time with her. I should only be thinking about the gold and what would happen if I didn’t find it, but right now, all I could do was stare at her ass as she ran.
I nearly caught up to her when she glanced over her shoulder, then took off running faster. She squealed as she tried to get away from me, which only made me chase her harder. I felt like a kid in my teens again, completely carefree and ready to have sex for the first time. Except, I wasn’t a kid and I had no time for sex.
Still, I had a part to play.
I caught her in my arms and spun her around as she laughed, tossing her head back. This woman was so carefree and lively. I wanted to take her home with me, to see where this could go, but I wasn’t free.
I set her down, the laughter dying from my voice. Sliding my hand through her hair, I stared into her eyes right before I slanted my lips over hers, feeling that spark grow between us. With every second that passed, I pulled her closer until there was nowhere left for her to go. I got lost in her scent, in the taste of her lips against mine, and high on the feeling of being in love.
I stepped back, shaking my head. “Baby, we can’t do this. I’m not a free man.”
Her thick lashes fluttered as she looked at me quizzically. “But, there’s something between us. I can feel it.”
“Me too, but that’s not the way this story ends. We can never happen. My life is just too dangerous.”
I hated having to break her heart in this way, but some things just weren’t meant to be. I took her hand in mine and guided her to the caves. I could at least enjoy what time we had left together.
“Where do you usually go?”
“Down there,” she said, pointing to a cave that disappeared into darkness. “It goes on for miles.”
“Ever get lost in there?”
She shook her head. “Never had anyone to get lost with.”
The way she was looking at me right now, like I held the sun, the moon, and the stars in my palm made me wish I could give her everything she wanted. “Maybe someday.”
“Why do we have to wait?” she asked breathlessly, stepping into my space. Her small breasts pressed against my chest and her hands slid over my shoulders until one hand was playing with the back of my hair. “I like danger.”
That’s what they all said. “Baby, the kind of danger I bring will get you killed.” I sighed, wanting so badly to make this happen. “Trust me. I’m not the man for you.”
As much as I wanted to throw her down on the ground and have my way with her, I had a treasure to find. I headed into the cave, pulling a small flashlight out of my pocket. I thought I could hear water dripping the further in I went, but there was no telling which tunnel I had to go down to reach it.
“Hey, have you ever seen a stream or anything down here?”
“Um…yeah, I think it’s down this way,” she said, heading to the right.
I followed her into the darkness, shining the light ahead of us as we wandered ahead. The ground was uneven and rocky. There probably hadn’t been a lot of people down this way recently. I grabbed Sarah’s hand and held her tight to keep her upright beside me.