Page 51 of Balls to the Walls
“You were good friends with a Russian,” he said mockingly.
“Why is that so unbelievable?”
He ignored me and headed out of the courtroom. I took Honey’s hand in mine and followed. What was it going to take for him to believe me?
“Hey!” I snapped.
Cash turned around and got in my face. “How the fuck is anyone supposed to believe you when you keep lying?”
“I’m not lying,” I insisted.
“So, you have proof that this spy took you in? You must have pictures or something.”
I laughed at that. “Pictures of a former spy? You’re crazy.”
“I’m crazy?” he barked out a laugh. “You know, you should respect us more than this. Everyone spent months looking for you, never giving up. The one thing you could do is give us a little fucking credit for knowing a lie when we hear it.”
He turned and walked away, but I didn’t follow this time. I wasn’t sure what more I could do or say to convince him at this point.
“Are you okay?” Honey asked.
“Psh, of course I am,” I lied. “It’s no big deal. I just have to give them time to come around to the fact that I’m not dead. It hasn’t sunk in yet.”
“That could take a while,” she said, running her hand up my chest. “You know what we could do to pass the time?”
“Shawarma?” I said, sighing heavily.
Then I felt her tongue lick the shell of my ear and a shiver ran down my spine in the best possible way. I cocked my head toward her, catching the sly grin on her face.
“I was thinking of something a little more?—”
“Let’s go,” I said, grabbing her hand as I dragged her to the road. I held my hand up, waiting for a cab that would never come. It was too small a town, but surely, someone would see my hand and know that this was a desperate situation.
She giggled beside me as I waved at people. “FNG, don’t you think we should just call for a ride?”
I spun and pulled her into my arms. “Dean,” I whispered just before I kissed her. “Always call me Dean.”
“Okay, Dean.”
I was just about to kiss her when I realized that I sort of wanted this marriage thing to work. Maybe a lot more than sort of. I wanted the stability that my friends had. I wanted the girl to settle down with. And I could have it all with her, but not like this. I needed to know her better.
“I have a different idea.”
Her eyes lit up. “I’m not really into that, but maybe if we stay hidden…”
“No, this has nothing to do with sex,” I corrected her. “I want to take you on a date.”
Clearly, she was confused by the concept. “Like…a date, date?”
“Why would we do that?”
“To get to know each other better,” I suggested. “Imagine how much better the sex will be when we actually know each other.”
“But that’s what makes it interesting right now,” she argued. “We don’t know each other. It’s like a continual one-night stand.”
“We’ve been to the spa together and you’ve stood by me through court. I think we’re past that stage.”