Page 33 of Balls to the Walls
“Ooh, I like it fast!” I grinned. “Any chance I’ll get to see the cockpit?”
The man looked away, completely ignoring me. Geez, a guy just couldn’t get a break around here. These guys were worse than the three J’s. At least they had personality.
I took my seat again and strapped in. “So…uh, any chance someone is going to tell me how exactly I’m supposed to land without a parachute?”
The man beside me said nothing.
“Not that I’m opposed to jumping out of a plane with no protection. I can’t die,” I grinned. “That’s why Rafe hired me.”
Still, he stared ahead.
“But still?—”
We jolted forward, picking up speed at a rate I’d never felt before. Man, I just loved Rafe’s toys. If he wasn’t such an asshole, I’d come work for him just for the goodies. I held on tight as we continued to catapult through the sky. The skin on my cheeks felt like it was peeling away and my whole body was vibrating. This was some serious shit.
“Preparing for departure,” a voice said over the intercom.
The man beside me stood up, unsnapped my belt, and then hauled me out of my seat.
“Oh, we’re going?” He dragged me to the door and opened it, glancing back at me. “Yep, we’re going,” I said right as he shoved me unceremoniously out of the aircraft.
The wind hit me with a force so strong that it was hard to breathe. “That felt deliberate!” I shouted, knowing the man couldn’t hear me. I tried to guide myself toward the drop zone but found it nearly impossible. And then something strange happened. My hands clasped to my sides, almost as if they were magnetic. Then, I zoomed forward through the clouds toward the landing zone.
My eyes widened in horror as the ground rushed up to meet me. Once again, my arms slammed outward as if by some invisible force. I stared in awe at the wing-like cape that slowed my descent. And then I landed on my feet and the wings retracted.
I held my arms out, staring at the flight suit, wondering where the wings had gone. “This is the most badass suit ever! I’m like a superhero!” My head snapped up and my face grew serious. “I really am Iron Man.”
“Stop stalling and get your ass in place,” the black ops leader said through comms.
“Right, dangerous job and all that.”
I took off toward the house, sticking to the trees as best as possible. The guards were constantly changing their movements around the property, which meant I was flying blind. The only way anyone knew where I was located was because of the tracker Rafe not-so-gently inserted into my thigh. Every time I ran, I could feel it.
I was just about to the house when I was yanked back. A hand covered my mouth and a knife was pressed to my throat. For just a moment, I thought about letting him do it, just so he could see me rise from the dead. However, severe blood loss would make it more difficult to escape.
“Who are you?” the man hissed.
“Your worst nightmare.”
I twisted in his arms, slamming my hand into his wrist, breaking his grip on the knife. It fell to the grass with a soft thump, but I had already moved on, poking my two fingers into his eyeballs. He screamed, grabbing at his face as blood dripped from his eyes.
Oops. I might have poked him a little harder than I thought. I wiped my finger off on my clothes, not wanting his eyeball juice on me, then slammed my foot into his chest. He toppled backward, falling to the ground. I pulled the knife from my hip and climbed over him, slitting his throat from ear to ear. Blood sprayed at me, catching me in the face. I grimaced, wiping it off with my sleeve, then jumped up and took off for the house.
But as soon as I entered through the back door, I was swarmed by guards with no way out. I stopped as guns were pointed at me from all directions. They were closing in fast. I immediately took in my surroundings, noting I was in the back hall just by the kitchen. If I could get there, I’d have plenty of weapons.
The chair in the corner.
The mirror on the wall.
The coat rack covered with at least five coats.
And most importantly, the umbrella holder that currently had three of my favorite weapons inside.
My lips slid up in a grin as I let the party begin.
The men rushed me, and I grabbed the coats, tossing them at the men closing in. Grabbing the coat rack, I swung with all my might, taking out two of them in just seconds. Then I was slammed into the wall, my head cracking on the mirror. I reached overhead and yanked it off the wall, slamming it down on my attacker’s head. The glass shattered into tiny pieces on the ground.
With more approaching, I grabbed an umbrella, swinging it hard and hooking one man around the neck, yanking him toward me as my knee met his face. Four more men ran at me, all of them holding guns, but none of them firing, which was odd.