Page 18 of Balls to the Walls
I grinned at him. “Just tell me when I get to jump out of the plane.”
“That’s ballsy,man. Did you do it? Did you really jump out of the plane with no parachute?”
I still couldn’t believe that he was here in front of me. I knew he was alive all this time, but no one believed me. They all wanted me to accept that he was really gone. But FNG couldn’t die. He proved it time and time again.
FNG frowned. “You didn’t let me finish telling the story.”
“I’m sorry. It’s a killer story,” I grinned, holding up my knife. I was just about to cut some shawarma off the rack. A well-timed return from the dead deserved an equally impressive meal, and I had just the meal for him. The door opened and Honey walked in, pausing when she saw me holding the knife. But that wasn’t what she was interested in. Her eyes trailed over my purple apron with ruffles around the edges. It wasn’t my usual choice of apron, but I had accidentally burned all the others in an unfortunate cooking accident that involved ham, whiskey, and a little too much seasoning.
She looked like a deer in the headlights, so I held out my hand, beckoning her over to me.
“Did you get a shower?” FNG asked, his eyes twinkling as he stared at his lady love.
I sighed in contentment. This was what it was all about. A good guy finding the love of his life. And FNG was the best of the best. I had always been impressed with his mad umbrella skills. Not many could pull off a job quite like he could. Well, aside from me and the great Kamau.
“Yeah, I need a nap, though.” She walked over, her eyes sleepy as she smiled at him.
“Ah, the nap,” I said, shooting him an exaggerated wink. “We all need a good nap.”
“She means an actual nap,” FNG said.
“Oh.” Come to think of it, she did look a little dead on her feet, but she wasn’t going to sleep before trying the amazing dish I had prepared. I rushed around the counter and guided her over to the chair beside FNG, giving her a sweeping bow. “Before a nap, you must eat. It’s a requirement.”
“I could eat,” she grinned. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was until you said food.”
I watched my old pal as he pulled her chair closer, wrapping his arm around her neck and pulling her in for a kiss. It was hard to believe that he found her just a few days ago and was already madly in love. I should come up with a song for them.
“Man, this is just like in the movies. I mean, not one of my movies, but any other normal movie.” I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face. “I swear, you two are gonna make beautiful babies.”
“Babies,” FNG said, startled by the sudden change in topic. “We’re not there yet.”
I nodded, completely understanding. “You need time for just the two of you. I get it. Still in the newlywed phase.”
“It wasn’t exactly a typical marriage.”
I turned back to the shawarma and cut a thin slice, popping it in my mouth. I moaned, tossing my head back as I delighted in the deliciousness of the meal I just created. “Well, they can’t all be a fairytale like mine and Anna’s.”
“I would hardly call yours a fairytale,” FNG muttered.
I started cutting more meat off the rotating spit. By the time I was done with this, no one would be saying anything about being hungry.
“So, how exactly was it you two met?” I turned around, pointing my knife at him. “It was the milk cartons, wasn’t it?”
He shook his head. “No, but that did get me in a world of trouble. Thanks for that, by the way.”
“How could they possibly get you into trouble? It was ingenious.”
I took the plate of fresh meat over to the counter and set it down, then started gathering the ingredients for the wraps.
“It worked a little too well. I was trying to stay undercover.”
My head jerked up. Now I felt terrible. “Dude, sorry, but that wasn’t supposed to happen. Where did you get caught?”
“Marrakech,” he answered as he started to put together his wrap.