Page 141 of Balls to the Walls
I ran back, waving the guys over. “Oh, hey, this is the guy I was telling you about. Ivan!”
Cash stared at me incredulously. “Thisis Ivan?” I nodded. “I thought you were making that shit up.”
Fox walked past Cash to the table and grinned at the man laying in there. “I totally see it now.” He turned to Ivan with a grin. “Man, I’ve seen your work before. You were amazing back in the day.”
“I am still amazing, as you say. It has just been long time since I have had the pleasure of feeling a life drain away in my hands.”
Fox nodded. “I totally get how you feel. There’s nothing quite like watching the life slip away from someone’s eyes. Bad guys, of course. I don’t kill random people.”
“Of course not. It would be disgrace to profession.”
“I gotta be honest with you. I’ve lost my taste for it. It’s not what it used to be.”
“I cannot agree with you. I am still one hundred percent dedicated to my job.”
“Have you ever tried another route?” Fox asked.
“Can we get back to the man on the table and why he’s looking for your wife?” Cash asked.
“Right, about that?—”
“How many times were you married?” he interrupted.
“Why is this man after you?” Cash demanded to know.
“You know, you’re asking a lot of questions. Which answer do you want first?”
He stared at the ceiling in frustration. I could commiserate. I was feeling a little testy myself.
“Who is he?” Cash asked calmly.
“Oh, him? Not completely sure, but I know he’s after the gold.”
“So, we do not need him,” Ivan said with a shrug. In a swift move, Ivan broke the man’s neck and turned back to me, placing his hand on my shoulder. “Is good to see you, my friend. We must see each other again soon.”
“I’d like that, Ivan.”
“Good. I see you in Russia.” He nodded to Cash, IRIS, and Fox before strolling out the door, whistling a cheery tune.
“Wait, that’s it?” IRIS asked. “He knows you, saved your life, but he doesn’t care about the gold?
“He’s already rich. He doesn’t live for money. It’s the thrill of the chase.”
“If you guys don’t mind, I think I’m gonna head home to my wife.”
“Which one?” IRIS snorted.
I cringed. Yeah, that was going to be a hard one to explain. “To Honey.”
IRIS narrowed his eyes at me. “Man, I gotta ask. Is Honey really her name?”
That was another issue that I knew would come up eventually. “Not sure, but it stuck with me like honey,” I chuckled to myself, but none of them laughed.
“So, you’re saying that we don’t know your name and we don’t know Honey’s name. Does anyone else find that odd?” IRIS asked. “Shouldn’t we…give them other names?”