Page 14 of Balls to the Walls
“How do you figure?” Red asked, not believing at all in my strategy.
“For example, a woman who orders a salad is worried about her weight. I don’t need that kind of drama in my life. A woman who orders something with chipotle sauce is looking for a good time. And then there are the women who order things with onions. While they’re a tasty treat, it makes for horrible after dinner breath. Not really my style.”
“Yeah, now we’re discarding women because they like onions,” Red muttered.
“If I was looking for a woman to take home night after night, of course I’d let her eat onions. They’re tasty.”
“You’d let her? Do you even hear yourself?”
“Of course, but I’m single. I’m allowed to be discerning.”
He rolled his eyes at me, clearly not impressed with my methods. “So, what else kicks a woman out of the running?”
“Well, high heeled shoes are never a good thing. Yes, they look good, but if you’re running from someone with a gun, do you really want a woman that’s flapping her arms for balance?”
“You know, not every woman is running from someone with a gun.”
“True, but it’s still something to think about. Oh, and another great place to meet women is a car dealership.”
Again, he stared at me like I was an idiot.
“Hey, you call it ridiculous, but it’s a foolproof plan. I like a woman that knows how to haggle. And, if she’s there alone, you can almost guarantee she’s single. It’s a fast way to weed out the married from the non-married.”
“Yeah, I bet you meet a lot of single women at a car dealership.”
“Well, where would you go?”
He held up his ring finger. “I’m married. I don’t go anywhere.”
“Where would you go before?”
“The bar.”
“Exactly, but don’t you get tired of that?”
“So, you pick a woman up at a car dealership, then take her to her home for a quickie and leave?”
I thought it over. “Yeah, that’s about it.”
“And you find that exciting.”
“I wouldn’t say exciting. I would say…I get what I want out of the deal and so does she.”
“So, you’re never bringing a woman here.”
“Not unless I end up married, and I can tell you right now, that’s not happening anytime soon,” I laughed, walking away from him.
I wasn’t really ready to hit the hay yet, but there was nothing left to do. And I wasn’t in the mood to go out hunting for women, so I decided to just hang out and watch some TV until I was bored enough to go to sleep.
I whistled as I headed to my room, fiddling with the key in my pocket. We didn’t have locks on the doors when we moved in, but after Brock ended up in my bed three times with a woman, enough was enough. I slid the key into the lock and swung the door open. I immediately knew something was off. I pulled my gun, but didn’t get any further than that. Something hard struck my head, and as I struggled to stay upright. A bag was thrust over my head and a needle was jabbed into my neck.
Lights out.
* * *
My stomach roiledas we swayed from side to side. I wasn’t sure if I was on a boat or if it was the drugs in my system making me feel like the world was about to flip over. Whatever was on my head smelled of sweat and old socks, a combination I could do without. They could at least wash it between kidnappings. Was it too much to ask for someone’s dirty feet to not be shoved up my nostrils?
“He’s awake,” someone said, walking over to me. Based on his gait, I would say he was six foot tall. Based on the force he used to rip the cloth off my head, I would say he was more muscle than twig. So, not someone I could easily overpower with my head still swimming.