Page 133 of Balls to the Walls
“Be careful where you step,” he said as he turned forward and led me through the narrow tunnel.
I ran my hand along the wall, feeling the cool walls with every step I took. How could all this be hiding down here for so many years and no one else had discovered it? We walked for miles until finally coming to a fork in the tunnel.
“All roads lead right,” he said, nodding to me.
“You must remember this.”
“What about the left roads?”
“You will be lost to the tunnels forever. There is no way out once you take that route.”
“Good to know,” I said in jest, but he didn’t return my smile. “Should we continue?”
“From here on out, it is your path to take.”
“Aren’t you coming with me?”
“I will be right behind you.”
Warily, I took the torch from him and continued to the right. I studied the floor as I walked, noticing that it too was shimmering. I held the light lower and saw the gold sparkle back at me. This place was amazing. The hieroglyphs on the walls were so intricate and stunning. I couldn’t believe that all of this was down here and no one ever saw it.
I came to another fork in the path. I was curious now about what was to the left, but not enough to actually take it. Thick cobwebs covered the entrance, giving it an eerie feeling. A sudden gust of wind shifted the cobwebs for just a moment, making it appear as if there was something down that tunnel. I took a step in that direction, but Gordo stopped me.
“Remember what I told you. If you go down that path, you will never be seen again. It is meant to lure you to your fate.”
With one last look down the tunnel, I made the decision to go right. We twisted and turned under the ground until the tunnel finally expanded. The air wasn’t as stuffy here. I could actually draw a full breath without feeling like the walls were caving in on me.
“I will lead the way now,” he said, taking the torch from me. He walked through the space as if he’d been here a million times before. He pressed the torch against the wall, igniting a torch in a sconce on the wall. One by one, he walked around the room, lighting the other torches. I stood in amazement as light filled the room and treasure appeared before my very eyes.
“Wow,” I whispered.
He lit the last torch and walked over to my side. “It’s amazing, isn’t it?”
“How is all this still down here?”
“The Spanish never found this. It was my ancestor’s private collection.”
“Your ancestors?” Understanding dawned on me. “You weren’t just descended from the Aztecs. You’re the descendant of the king.”
He nodded. “My lineage is not pure. The king had many mistresses, and I am from the descendants of that line. My father was the last man in the line to procure a son. And now…”
“And now you can carry on that line,” I said.
“No, as I said, my time is almost up.”
“How do you know that?”
His eyes roamed the room as if he was looking at it all one last time. This was his legacy. “I have a brain tumor. The doctor gave me a few weeks, but I can feel my body weakening already. This is where it will all end.”
“What do you mean?”
He smiled at me, then began walking again. “Come.”
This wasn’t at all the way I thought this hunt for the treasure would go. In reality, I never thought anyone would actually find it. I was just trying to stay alive the whole time. But now…how could I stop looking when so much was on the line?
Gordo stopped in front of the wall on the other side of the room. In front of us was a small divot where it appeared something had been carved out. He took something out of his pocket and pressed it to the wall. It fit perfectly in the divot. He turned to me and then pressed the piece in further. The wall shook as the wall slowly shifted, splitting apart until there was just enough room for us to walk through.