Page 119 of Balls to the Walls
I kicked his leg, but it only moved with the force of my kick, then went limp again. “Oh shit,” I muttered, staring at the man. I got closer, peeking around his head. That’s when I saw the rock and the pool of blood gushing from his head. Wincing, I took a step back, biting my fist as I tried to figure out what to do. This was bad. Really fucking bad. I just killed a police officer. AMexicanpolice officer. I was the white boy from the other side of the border. There was no way in hell I wasn’t going to hang for this.
Honey ran around the car, skidding to a stop at my side. “What happened?”
“I just—Fuck!” I yelled, spinning away as I gripped my hair. “Okay, get it together, FNG. You got this.”
“Who are you talking to?” Honey questioned.
“Alright, here’s what we’re going to do. I’m gonna dump the car and the body. You’re going to follow in our car and then we’ll drive as fast as we can to the border.”
“Why would you dump his body?”
“Because he’s dead!” I snapped. “Normally, I would have a cleanup crew for this, but since I haven’t been home in over a year, I’m guessing a phone call from me right now wouldn’t be taken seriously.”
“Just because you haven’t been home?”
“Well, they think I’m dead.”
She grabbed my wrist as I was about to pick him up. “There has to be something else we can do. We can’t just dump his body!”
“Look, I know what I’m doing. Trust me, it’ll be okay.”
I could see the uncertainty in her eyes, but she nodded and grabbed the other end of his body, helping me drag it to the trunk of the police car. We tossed him inside and I slammed the trunk, choosing to forget that I’d just killed one of the good guys. It was a total accident. I couldn’t think about it right now.
“Take our car and follow me. If anyone starts following us, break away and head to the border.”
“What about you?”
“I’ll be fine, baby.”
“We should stick together,” she pleaded.
I cupped her cheek, stroking her skin with my thumb. “Baby, my life is too dangerous for you.”
She surged up into my arms, throwing her own around my neck as she pressed her lips to mine. I swallowed her cries, kissing her as if I’d never see her again. This was a dangerous game we were playing, one that could end with both of us dead. If I never saw her again, at least this would be my last memory of her.
“Go,” I commanded, shoving her away from me.
With tears swimming in her eyes, she backed up, then turned and ran to our vehicle. I got in the cruiser and headed further into the darkness. I didn’t know much about where I was going, but as long as I stayed away from the lights, I should be fine. Her headlights stayed in my rearview the entire way. When I pulled down a dirt road, she followed, keeping her distance from me.
We were almost in the clear, so close to tossing the body and then getting the hell out of Dodge. I drove for miles, looking for a good place to dump the man’s remains, but there were no lakes around that I could see. I couldn’t keep driving around in this vehicle. Eventually, someone would report the officer missing, and if I was still in the vehicle, it wouldn’t be long until I was found out.
I pulled to a stop and shifted into park. I would have to move his body and make it look like he was in his vehicle when he was attacked. That wouldn’t be easy considering he was hit on the back of the head. Then again, I could leave trace evidence in the backseat. I’d have to wipe everything down first, making sure nothing could be linked back to me.
I shoved the door open and got out, wiping down every surface I touched. Once it was clean, I was ready to move the body and plant the evidence. “Honey!”
She got out and rushed over to me, but before she could make it, a hooded figure jumped out of the darkness and snatched her around the waist. I reached for my gun, only to remember I didn’t have one. The officer’s gun was in the trunk with him.
Honey screamed, grasping at the man’s arm that was tightly stretched across her neck. I took a step forward, but paused the moment he pulled out a knife.
“Don’t do it,” I warned.
“You ran out on the boss. Nobody gets away with that!” the man shouted.
I heard the crunch of gravel behind me and knew there was no way out. Slowly, I turned and came face to face with the very man we’d been running from.
Manuel Ruiz.
The only reason I could tell was the light from his cigar illuminating his face. The man was the devil personified. We were so close to escaping. Now, there was no way out.