Page 10 of Balls to the Walls
“Ideally, yes, but they’ve been around Rafe too long. He needed someone that had no connection to him. The three J’s were essentially tainted.”
“So, he called you,” I surmised.
“At first, I wasn’t on board. I mean, who would be with Rafe?”
“Only someone insane.”
“Exactly. And I may not be able to die, but that doesn’t mean I wanted to get involved with Rafe. Mutilation is not high on my list of things to try.”
“So, how did he convince you?”
“He kidnapped me one night.”
I stopped and looked up at him. “I’m sorry, what?”
He nodded. “Yep, I was just going to bed when I was attacked from behind.”
“You expect me to believe that someone got the drop on you in our house.”
“He did own this place before giving it to Cash. Is it really that unlikely that he wouldn’t have access to it without us knowing?”
I thought about it, but couldn’t see how it was possible. “Rae worked on the system with Dash. There’s no way Rafe got in undetected.”
“Believe me or not, that’s what happened. When I woke up…well, I think you know exactly how I felt,” he said with a grin.
Somewhere in the skies.
Approximately 1 year, 4 months, 27 days, 22 hours, 13 minutes, and 44 seconds. 45. 46…
My surroundingsslowly came into focus. The sound of the jet engine rang in my ears, telling me I wasn’t in Kansas anymore. I glanced around the plane, trying to gain all the intel I could before we landed. Or worse, before one of them attacked, ensuring I would never see the light of day again.
A man sat across from me reading a newspaper. His eyes scanned the pages with vague interest. Clearly, this man was no great scholar. But with looks like his, no woman would be paying attention to his IQ. Ruggedly handsome, it was like I was looking in the mirror. Although, I had to admit, he looked better in a suit than I did. With looks like that, he could have any dame he wanted. His hat sat cockeyed on his head, giving him that rugged appeal that so many women found charming.
A worthy opponent, I knew I would have to outsmart this fella using my wits. A man like him was loaded for bear. I could tell he was packing and probably had a Tommy gun just inches from him at all times. That fedora may look appealing on him, but underneath was a dangerous man.
While he was distracted with his daily rag, I checked the bindings around my wrists, wiggling my hands to see if I could break them. It was no use. These men tied me up tight. I could fight them with my hands tied behind my back, but escaping would be the hard part. There had to be something on this plane that could break me from this dastardly confinement.
If I waited long enough, one of them would start running their mouth and I could use that to negotiate my freedom. I could see a game of strip poker in my future, and I just so happened to be excellent at the game. Men like this needed a little entertainment on a long flight. It was the perfect chance for escape. They would assume that it was safe since I had nowhere to go. They didn’t realize the lengths I would go to in order to gain my freedom.
Another man walked up, this one even darker than the one sitting across from me. Dressed in a black suit, with a black hat tilted to cover his eyes, it didn’t take a genius to figure out this guy was bad news, even worse than the man sitting across from me.
“We land in twenty.”
“Smitty says he’s ready. We just need to unload and then get this guy to Quincy.”
Quincy, that was interesting. I had no idea who that was, but I was determined to figure a way out of this with my life still intact. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Dangerous had a six shooter at his hip and the fanciest shoes I’d ever seen. Just one slip on some ice would do the trick, knocking him out and leaving me a clear line to take his gun and jump from the plane.
“Hey,” the man across from me snapped. He stood, buttoning his zoot suit jacket as he walked closer. “You can’t pretend to be asleep forever.”
“I wasn’t pretending. You were just too daft to notice I was awake.”
He grinned at me. “A wise guy, eh?”
He slammed his fist into my face. My head snapped to the side with the force of the blow. The man had hands like a sledgehammer, and as he stood in front of me cracking his knuckles, I knew I had to get out of these ropes fast.