Page 97 of Angel's Kiss
“I've looked for that BMW but haven't been able to find it or either man. They're the key, I think. We had gone to Weymouth to visit with Marcus and his family. He had some business associates there too, one American and one Irishman. I had to go home earlier in the week for work and took Duncan with me.”
“Where was Marcus when the accident happened, James?” I ask.
“According to a witness, he never left the beach house, and I couldn't find a BMW rented to him.”
“Okay, Maya, are you ready to hear what Ian has to say?”
“Let's get this over with.” Duncan wraps his arms around her.
“Well, lassie, without exhuming your parents’ bodies I can't be completely certain, but the bomb didn't have any ball bearings in it. A shaped charge did minimal damage to the surrounding buildings. The glass at the restaurant did blow in from the blast, but your parents were the only casualties. Your father was killed by a single projectile from back to front through his heart. From the sketches, even a ball bearing couldn't have done that, he was facing the wrong way. His left side was facing the bus station, and your parents were seated in a front corner of the restaurant. I went over this with Timothy and Derek, we think a sniper about a hundred meters out could have taken the shot but misjudged the bullet actually going through your father and into your mum. Although, a good sniper would've known the exact amount of velocity and would have known Cara could have been killed too. I pulled some further information using James’s reports. A man of about six foot four with brownish red hair and hazel or green eyes carrying a case was stopped by police on scene when he became agitated and upset. He was never mentioned again, as he left the scene.”
“Wait, that sounds like the same man who saved Ana,” I say, startled by the possible connection.
“Yes, it does. I've been trying to see if there is any footage at the airport in Tel Aviv around that time so I can look for him,” Timothy says.
“Anything else?” I ask, worried the lack of information is just as bad as too much.
“No, as for going to this safety deposit box, if it's under surveillance, we'll be exposed,” Timothy says with a worried look.
“I agree, we'll check out of here and go there before we head to the airport. I also need you to liquidate all our assets here and put them in a bank we can use. Keep the flats, eventually we'll need them. Plus, I own that building.” I need to keep these people safe.
“On it, Bossman.”
“Okay, everyone, get ready to head out. We’ll take two armored Rovers, it will be tight. One group will head to the airport and the other to the depository. The teams are myself, Duncan, Maya, Ana, Timothy, and Raul to the depository. Second team is Michael, Mum, Bella, James, Ian, Dr. Mason, and Derek. Greg, what are your plans?
“I'll head back to Scotland with you. I can ride with your team.”
“All right, let’s get ready.”
“I don't want to leave Isabella?” Ana says, looking me in the eyes.
“I know, Angel, but we can't risk her life when we get out at the depository. We're emptying the boxes and leaving, no going through anything there. I won't risk your lives any more than is necessary.”
“Okay, honey,” she sighs.
“At the depository, Raul, Greg, and Timothy, you'll wait with the vehicle.”
“All right,” everyone agrees.
We head to the depository first, leaving the other team to wait at the hotel until we leave here so that no team is left in the open too long. James gave us the card for the main box. The girls enter the pin and wait, a mid-size box opens to them, and they pull out papers, photos, videos, and cases. In the bottom is another card that Ana and Duncan use to get the second box. It too is mid-size and full of papers, photos, sketchbooks, and jewelry cases. I see a picture of their mum, and it brings tears to Ana's eyes. I again worry about this stress on her body but don't know how to avoid it.
“Okay, we need to roll before we're made.” As we rush to the SUV Maya's cell rings.
Worry and unease tickle my skin. The hair on the back of my neck rises, and I know we are being watched.
“Everyone, in the SUV now,” I command as I lift Ana and shield her, fearing the worse.
Chapter Thirty-Six
I look down at Maya’s ringing cell and see Unknown Number. She turns to look at me as we settle into the SUV. Raul starts to take off, so we aren't sitting ducks.
“Answer it, Maya, but put it on speaker phone,” I tell her.
“Oi', Maya.”