Page 92 of Angel's Kiss
“My name is Dr. Drakes, I work for Mr. Donovan. I’d like to check you out.” He turns to Joshua. “If we could have a moment.”
“I’m not leaving her.”
“Is that okay with you, ma’am.” He directs his question to me.
He sits me sideways in a chair and proceeds to check me over. He turns back to his bag and pulls out some pills. “Mr. Donovan, can you get her a glass of water?” Joshua moves from where he was standing near me to pour some water in a glass from the counter. Suddenly the chill from the room causes me to tremble and I worry how long this feeling of insecurity will last.
“I’m going to need to put stitches in your back. I’ve got a mild sedative and antibiotics here.”
“I’m nursing, so I won’t take any pain meds,” I say through my chattering teeth.
Joshua walks over to the bed and strips the comforter and returns to place it around me.
“Let me clean her up then you can cover her. The chills are from the adrenalin dump.”
The doctor gives me the antibiotics and places locals in my back where he applies surgical strips, bringing the torn flesh together to heal. I'm glad none of the knots on the riding crop or the glass broke my skin too deeply. I have enough scars from Jonathan. The doctor walks out and Joshua helps me into a pair of sweat pants and an overly large baggy shirt. I look at the shirt and smile, it’s one of his.
“I thought you would be more comfortable in loose clothes,” he murmurs at my ear.
“Thank you, my love.”
Joshua leans down and kisses me as a knock sounds on the door. He glowers at the door.
Timothy walks in. “I need to talk to you, Bossman.”
“Like I just told the doctor, I’m not leaving her, say what you have to say in front of her or not.”
Timothy grimaces but starts, “I did as you asked and called emergency services after we pulled away. Just a moment ago I checked to see what the reports were saying, if Jonathan identified any of us.” He pauses and I watch as Joshua’s body tightens and I’m instantly nervous, worried about what is going to be said.
“Go on…”
“The building exploded. Whatever explosive was used was hot enough that they are still fighting it. Nothing will be left.”
“Ex-exploded?” I pant out in worry. Oh God, what is happening?
“Yes, Ana.”
“Okay, we’ll talk in a moment.”
Another soft knock sounds on the door and Patrice steps in holding Isabella. Her shoulder-length reddish blond hair is loose and she’s not in one of her tailored suits or riding outfits. She’s in jeans rolled at the cuffs, flat ballet shoes, and an off white baggy sweater. She walks over and gently takes me into her arm not holding Isabella.
“I’m so sorry he hurt you, Ana.”
“It’s not your fault. Jonathan was going to use whoever he could to get me.” I realize I forgot the note and walk over to the pile of discarded clothes and pull the note out of the pocket. “Nathan gave me this before he turned us over to Lawrence and Stephan.” I hold it out to Joshua.
“We’ll take care of this later. First, we need to discuss what happened. You and Mum stay here with Isabella.”
“Okay.” He hugs me to him as he puts the note in his pocket. He walks out and I proceed to sit down on the bed, arranging myself with pillows so I can nurse Isabella without pressure on my back. The doctor said I could shower and gently pat the strips but I can’t soak in a tub for two weeks.
After I finish nursing Isabella, I lay her in the small traveling crib that Patrice remembered to pack. I walk out into the main part of the large suite we are all staying in. The team is discussing what could have caused the explosion. I’m surprised the police haven’t come to question any of us. They must know I’m here, but then again, I’m his ex-wife, they wouldn’t come to give me notice. Plus I remember Jonathan once saying that the building ownership was buried behind ghost corporations so no one would know who really owns it.