Page 82 of Angel's Kiss
“Let me take Bella. You dance with Joshua,” Daddy says to me.
I walk over to Joshua, and he leads me to the dance floor. I turn to see Meghan in Derek's arms dancing. It's the sweetest thing I've ever seen, they’re both laughing. I look over to Rebekah and Greg and see them watching the two dance.
Our family is coming together. Ian stands off to the side, watching. The next song starts, and Jen joins the small group as they dance to “Crazy in Love,” the song Joshua caught me shaking my butt to. I start to pull away to dance for him, and he growls at me.
“You dance like that in here, and there will be no more two week wait.”
“But, honey, you have to dance like that to this song,” I laugh at him. He grabs my hand and leads me to the balcony overlooking the start of the gardens. I smile as I'm barely across the threshold and he has swung me around and up against the wall where we can't be observed. “Okay, I won't dance like that right now.” I giggle.
“Too late, Angel.” He presses into me and starts kissing me as he lifts me up. I can't wrap my legs around his hips, but I still feel his erection through all our clothing. He lowers his head and bites me on my neck where it meets my shoulder, then follows up with kisses up my neck to my ear. “I need you so bad, Angel,” he growls into my ear.
“I need you too. Want to go home and fool around?” I say, hearing the breathlessness in my tone. I want him and know I can’t right now.
“Bloody hell, yes.” He pulls back, and we enter the drawing room again.
Next weekend Joshua and I are christening Isabella, and we still haven't decided whom to make her godparents. We've actually been disagreeing about it. I see Jen watching Ian, he avoids looking at her, but I can see his eyes stray to her. I then turn to look at Rebekah who is still watching Derek and Meghan dancing. I’ve never seen Derek like this before. I think I have a good idea now on who should be Isabella's godparents. Joshua starts to lead me to where Daddy is holding Isabella. I pull back and keep him on the dance floor, where I start dancing again.
“Joshua, honey, I know who I want Isabella's godparents to be—”
“Angel, if you keep moving like that, we'll be discussing other things. Who?” he growls.
“How about Rebekah and Derek?” I smile and point. He looks over and smiles back at me.
“Okay, Angel, want me to tell them now or tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow.” I sigh as he leans into me.
“Ready to head home and fool around, my love?” he whispers in my ear.
“Yes.” I sigh and feel the tingles overtaking my body.
“Keep talking like that and I'll demand that Jen do her exam now so I can take you home and strip you bare,” he growls in my ear.
“Hey, you two, are you ready to head home?” Michael smirks at us.
I like him a lot and see why Joshua looks at him like a father.
“Let me say good night to Daddy.” I find my father and kiss him good night as I take Isabella from him. I look for Maya and Duncan, but they've already snuck off to their room. Helen is escorting people out as she's noticed their absence too.
Joshua, Patrice, Michael, Isabella and I head to our home. Patrice and Michael head to their rooms. Joshua and I head for the nursery. I give Isabella a fresh diaper and change her into a sleeper. In our room, I'm about to put her in her bassinet when I see Joshua is still in his tux and looking at me.
He's pacing and squeezing his hands into fists and relaxing them. I want to ease whatever has him upset.
“Angel, I know the timing isn't right, but would you marry me if you could?”
“Oh, Joshua, of course! I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” I put Isabella in her bassinet and walk over to him.
“I can't wait two more weeks. I want you now.”
“I know, all day I've wanted to strip you from that tux. I want you too, Joshua.”
“Angel, you and Isabella are my life. You're the most important parts of my life. I love you, and when the time is right, I'll propose properly to you.”
“I love you too.”
We go to sleep holding each other tightly after we’ve kissed for a long time and have driven each other crazy. I feel like this could be the last time I hold him. I say a silent prayer to my mum. Please protect us all, and tell God I'm not ready to give up my family. I sleep restlessly, a feeling of doom hanging over my head.
I come awake from the nightmare of losing Joshua to Jonathan. My heart is racing, and I can feel the panic attack starting. I need to get out of my head.