Page 75 of Angel's Kiss
“He called and threatened me. He told me if I didn't give up on this, he'd hunt me down and kill me. How dare he!”
“Who cares. We need to get those girls, without them we have nothing,” he says calmly into the phone. The thickness of his accent and tone are pure evil. Quiet and controlled, his English proper and always smooth. He talks this way to remind me he is better than me. I’ve heard him talk to other people and it’s just the accent and gruff tone, not the evil.
“But, Sir, I want him found and killed. I'll have Lawrence and Stephan start searching for him.”
“No! They are both twenty-five, we can get the money and have it all. We can't let Maya marry Duncan. I'll see if I can find out more information, just focus on them. Hire that Nathan man.”
“Yes, sir, but when this is finished, I get Mr. Smith. I'll cut off his balls and feed them to him.” The line goes dead.
I'm tired of being treated like hired help, I had to put up with that sniveling girl. I will get my due, and I will get her back so I can torture her more. No one has ever made my blood boil like she does. I hate her for that. I hate her for the flawless skin she once had. I open the drawer and remove my scalpel, the weight in my hands reminds me of cutting her. I see the blood welling up, and I roll up my sleeve. I slide the scalpel along my outer forearm. The thrill of being so close to where I could kill myself and the calmness along my nerve endings soothe me. I put it back into the drawer and use my handkerchief to cover the small wound. I turn and call for Lawrence. As he enters the room, I brush my hand over the now covered wound and calm as I order him around.
“Lawrence, find that Nathan chap, and make sure he takes our offer this time. I want him to find those girls.”
“Why should I? From the sounds of it, Sir gets her now, not me. I was looking forward to having a piece of that,” he replies back.
“What he don't know doesn't hurt him. Get them and we'll have some fun before we turn them over to him.”
“Okay. If this Nathan guy turns us down again, what should I do?”
“Threaten to hurt Mrs. Donovan, that should get him involved. Threaten to hurt that precious grandbaby of his that's about to come.”
“I will.” I watch him walk out and wonder when I'll have to kill him too. I can't and won't share any money with his sorry ass. If he had done what he was supposed to, Maya would be in our control already.
Time to get serious, I place a call that could ultimately get me killed, but Sir needs the motivation again. I know he'll go after Maya and kill her just like he killed the other woman. When he answers, I tell him my plans and hope he'll not betray me.
“Why should I go against him again?”
“His infatuation with Maya has grown out of control. He wants to control not just her money but her. I think he's in love with her.”
“And that affects you how?” His controlled voice comes across the line and sends shivers done my spine.
“If he's in love with her, he won't kill her when it's time.”
“I don't care. I have a friend here in the States, he found a young girl that the collector will want.”
“What about me?”
“You lost your other girl. I don't trust you with any new ones.”
“Is there anything you care about?
“I only care about the money and getting control of the others.”
“You should have never faked your death, now they are out of control too.”
“It was necessary. I will get control of them soon enough. Have you heard from your friend about our missing witness?”
“No. I've been working on getting my wife back and getting control of Maya. Pray tell me what you’ve been up to, nothing? I think it's time for Sir to see me for what I can do for him.”
“You sniveling little piece of shit, I've been his right hand man since before you took your first breath. I've killed more people than you’ve ever dreamed of. I'll kill you if Maya doesn't first. Don’t you ever threaten me again! I'll call our cartel contacts and see what they know. Our next delivery will be shortly, and by lining up a special present for our friend in Hong Kong, I can get us more financial backing.” He hangs up on me with those words and I know I can only protect myself. I start backing up every bit of information I have. They'll fall along with me if I can help it. I smile as I look at the information I hold over them. If I could find the hacker, I could control the group. I could be Sir.
I smile large thinking of all I could do then. The women I could possess…and the power.
Chapter Twenty-Eight