Page 73 of Angel's Kiss
“What else do you have in there? Can I see?”
“Okay.” She sits on the table next to my head and starts flipping through the sketchbook.
I see images of the team, Isabella, nurses, Nathan, and myself. She comes to a page, and my heart stops. I brace Isabella close to my body as I sit up and look at the image closer. It's a picture of me with angel wings holding me above the ground. My head is lulled to the side, and the wings are wrapped around my body. I can make out every feather and every line on my face.
“Angel, that's beautiful. I want that one in my office.”
“I did it for you.”
I rise and lay Isabella in her bassinet and turn to my girl. I take the sketchpad from her hands and set it down, then I hold her face in my hands. I lean forward and kiss her forehead, her cheeks, and finally, I take her in my arms and kiss her plump lips. My tongue traces her lips, and she opens for me. She moans as my tongue slides across her tongue and plunders her mouth. Ana melts into my body, her arms slide around me, and her nails dig into my back, pulling me closer to her. I break the kiss and lift her into my arms, laying down on the couch again with her now on my chest. She stretches out and lays her head on my heart.
I feel complete and pray I never lose this.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
My phone ringing wakes me from a restless sleep, it's been less than twenty-four hours since I talked to Mr. Smith. I haven't let my family out of my site, the team is in full defense mode. I'm lying in bed with Ana wrapped around me, our daughter in her bassinet next to the bed. I'm worried. I reach for the phone as I turn to get out of bed, round it and get Isabella before Ana wakes up.
“Joshua, your mum, Michael, and Rebekah are all gone. I have Nathan and Bradley under surveillance, so it wasn't one of them.” Raul huffs into the phone. I can tell he's running.
“Nathan is back in London?”
“Yes, I lost him yesterday, but he turned up a couple hours ago. I'm checking in on Bradley again now.”
“Why Rebekah? What about her little girl?”
“Both went missing during the night according to neighbors. When she didn't show up at the office this morning, I went looking for her. She is always there right at oh seven hundred because the nanny comes early during off-term days. She says it will give her more afternoon time with Meghan.”
“Okay, call me back in a few, I'm getting the team here.”
“Okay.” He clicks off. I gently rub Ana’s arm trying to wake her. I won't let her leave my side with shit hitting the fan.
“Angel, wake up, I need to call the team.”
“Okay, it's time to feed Isabella anyway.” She stretches, rises from the bed, and starts to dress.
I wish I could take her, but know she is still recovering from her surgery. This woman drives me to distraction just being in the same room.
I press my forehead to Isabella’s, I'll protect her with everything I am, she and her mum are my salvation. I look over to see my girl is in a pair of jeans with a nursing top on, she’s more beautiful to me every day. She nods her head to the nursery, and I follow her closely as I dial the team in a conference call. I lay Isabella on the changing station so Ana can change her and dress her for the day. Ana dresses her in a onesie that reads I'm not allowed to date…ever. I smile and agree.
“Who got her that?” I ask as I wait for the call to connect.
“Duncan.” She smiles at me.
“We have shit hitting the fan, be at my house in ten minutes. Maya, Duncan, bring James and Greg. I want everyone here today until we get this situation under control. Maya and Derek, bring your stuff, I have a feeling we'll need them. Maya, both of your guns, we might need the big one.” I get an okay from everyone as I continue to watch Ana dress Bella. Her onesie is pink, and she’s wearing little pink pants with ruffles on the bottom, white socks and a white and pink skull cap with a bow.
“I'll carry her downstairs for you, Angel.” I take the baby from her arms and snuggle her against me. I love her smell and feel, right here in my arms. I pull Ana into my other arm and hold my girls for a moment before the chaos starts. Pulling back, I grab Ana's hand and lead them downstairs. Once we hit the main floor, I walk to my office still holding Bella while Ana calls Helen to prepare tea, coffee, and breakfast for the team.
Ian is the first to the house, he helps me settle Ana and Bella into my office. I know he understands my need to keep them close by me. He moves the bassinet from the sitting room into my office. I think I'm going to have to invest in several of these so she has one in each room. When Timothy arrives, he starts pulling up his programs.
“Son of bitch,” he curses.
“The office has been breached. Thank goodness it was only a cover, but it's been ransacked. I can't find Rebekah, I'll call her at home.”