Page 52 of Angel's Kiss
“Really? I think that would be nice…Isabella Cara Preston.”
“Actually, her name is going to be Isabella Cara Patrice Donovan.”
“For real?” She smiles a large cheek splitting smile. Her eyes twinkle, and I know what she’s thinking.
“Yes.” I smile back. “He and I talked about it yesterday. I want her to have his name.”
“That's awesome. I'm excited for you both.”
We head out to rejoin the men. I sit next to Joshua and he takes my hand, kissing my knuckles. I watch Duncan pull Maya into his lap.
“By the way, Ian, what did that doctor want? Are you taking her out on a date?” I smirk at him and wiggle my eyebrows. I don't realize the quiet that has settled among the guys.
“Ana, I don't date doctors, and please let it go.” Ian's voice is tight. I look at all the men and finally notice the quiet. Even Duncan drops his eyes. I turn to look at Joshua, and he slowly shakes his head at me.
“On that note, come on, Ana, you have a call to make,” Greg tells me.
I follow him into the house. Stopping outside my studio, he hands me a phone and a card with numbers. “Dial it just like that. He's waiting for you, and don't worry. He doesn't judge.” Greg leans down to kiss my cheek and walks back out to the patio where they continue to discuss plans.
I turn and slip my key into the door, walk in, and lock it behind me. I stand there for a moment and wonder if I can do this. I look at the card and over at my sketches, I need to do this. I dial the number and wait while the phone rings. My nerves are pinging, and I’m about to hang up when I hear a manly, but soft voice come across the line.
“Hello, Ana. We finally meet. Maya talks about you a lot.”
“Hello, Dr. Mason.”
“I'm glad you called. Your family is very worried about you.”
“I want to learn to forget this so I can be stronger for my baby.”
“First let me give you some advice, you'll never forget this, you'll learn to understand this and deal with it, but you will never forget what happened to you.”
“You know?”
“No, but I can imagine. Do you want to tell me?”
“Not right now, I just told Maya, Duncan, and Joshua. I'm still raw from that.”
“Okay, we'll come back to that. What do you do when you’re raw like you are now?”
“I…” Be strong, Ana. “I sketch.”
“Maya told me you used to be a very accomplished artist. She thought you didn't do it anymore and then last month you put up a special drawing of yours. She said Duncan couldn't stop raving about your new work. Want to talk about it?”
“That drawing means so much more to me than it did then. Seeing it reminds me of what I've sacrificed. As for my new work, I'm not sure. Jonathan told me my work was stupid and ugly and I wasn't talented. I worry I'm wasting time and money.”
“Where are you calling me from?”
“My studio, other than the nursery and kitchen, it’s the room I feel the calmest in.”
“Take a picture and send it to me after we get off the phone. I'm not a good judge of artwork, I think all of Derek's tattoos are hideous, but that's me. I know why he gets them. How about you? What else do you do when you’re upset? Tattoo? Cutting?” I pause at his words. “Ana, did I say something?”
“Jonathan used to cut me. I don't cut myself. I have enough scars. I just sketch a lot when I’m upset.”
“Good, self-mutilation isn't a good thing. Not that Derek is self-mutilating, he likes tattoos.”
“I used to have a tattoo… Can we talk about panic attacks?” My insides quake and tremor, maybe he won't address the tattoo.
“Did you have your tattoo removed?”