Page 45 of Angel's Kiss
“My full name is Anabel Grace Preston.”
“Are you sure ma'am? I'm aware you're married.”
“Separated, and the court approved my name change, so yes, I'm sure what my name is.” Ana's upset by him questioning her name.
“What is the significance of your first name? And you too have your mother's temper.” He laughs.
“It was my mum's best friend's middle name.” Both Ana and Maya clasp hands.
It amazes me that two best friends are the daughters of two best friends. Even though the women were separated and apart for most of their lives, they became instant friends. The odds were against them, but they overcame it.
Where did that mumbo jumbo come from?
“Ms. Preston, what is your brother’s full name?”
“My brother's name is Duncan James Preston.” She smiles at Duncan.
“Final question. Where did your mother and Ms. Aaron's mother meet?”
“They met in Boston, they were next door neighbors and childhood friends.”
“Excellent. Ladies, on your twenty-fifth birthdays you'll both have access to over thirty million US dollars each and a couple safety deposit boxes in London, as well as possession of two properties. The boxes have some personal effects for you both. You'll gain access to those on Ana's birthday. The properties will be listed in both your names, they are currently held by a dummy corporation to keep the true owners hidden. I would like to tell you both I'm very sorry for your losses and that Mrs. Aaron included information in the safety deposit boxes that could be of assistance to you now. I knew both of your mothers since high school, they didn't deserve what happened to them.”
“What do you know about what's going on with them?” Duncan speaks up.
“Who is this?” Mr. Townsend asks.
“I'm Duncan James Preston, and Maya's fiancé.”
“Mr. Preston, she left you an inheritance as well, but not money. She said you wouldn't want or need the money, but she gave you something just as valuable. I do, however, have a monetary wedding gift from Mrs. Aaron. On the day you marry Maya, you are entitled to ten million US dollars. She also wrote a letter to her future son-in-law shortly before she died when the inheritance grew so large.”
“I don’t give a shite about the money. I'm not marrying Maya for her money, I love her!”
“Then, sir, I congratulate you. Like I said, I knew both Mrs. Aaron and Mrs. Preston very well, and to hear those words fills me with pride and joy. They would've been so proud. Your father is probably very proud.”
“I am, David. I didn't know she hired you. I thought she hired your partner,” James interjects.
“James, it’s good to hear you. Cara didn't trust Goldstein, and knew I would do right by her as I was never in love with or had a crush on her. She was so worried about everything after the situation. I'm so sorry about Bella, I miss them both dearly. Is this line secure?”
“Thank you. Yes, she was even more paranoid after Bella was killed. And yes, it's secure, everyone here is a part of our family.”
“Good. Cara knew Bella was killed because of her but was unable to figure out by who. She was very worried about exposing the children to any danger. She left you a letter, James.”
“We still don't know who it is. I'm worried for both of these girls, and now with this latest situation…”
“I never told Jonathan Davidson about any of the money. He came to me right before he married Anabel and asked if there was something for him. I told him I had no clue what he was talking about. I've also kept a distant eye on Maya, she has very good friends in the Williams men.”
“Sorry to interrupt, but we only have three more minutes before the tracer on Mr. Townsend's phone finds us,” Timothy interrupts.
“Bloody hell,” Duncan exclaims.
“Maya, Anabel, I want you to contact me at a secondary number on each of your birthdays. The number is for a residence I have in Belfast. Anabel, I have more to tell you. I gather you two can set up a secure email and contact me so I can give it to you. Goodbye everyone, be safe.” Timothy disconnects before the girls can say anything.
This is a lot for all of us to process. I look at the group.
“A marriage bonus would put this crazy man up to anything. If he found out the money was untouchable until the girls came of age, and had the extra bonus when Maya married… Bugger me. We've some serious things to consider,” I say to the group. “Let's go eat so I can get my angel off her feet though.”
Chapter Seventeen