Page 34 of Angel's Kiss
“Please, just until I fall asleep. First though, can you go check that all the doors and windows are locked, then set the alarm?”
“Angel, as long as I'm here, he'll never get to you. I swear.”
“I know. It’s just a thing I do, and since I can't walk around a lot, please.” I'm practically begging, feeling unsecured is one of the things that makes me anxious.
“Don't worry, I understand, I'll be right back.” He walks out of the room, and when he comes back, he walks to my windows and checks them. “All done.” He lays down next to me and pulls me into his arms.
“How do you know so much about how I feel? You don't know what he did or said to me.”
“You're right, but I do know some stuff about abusive, controlling wankers. My mum has had a protective detail since I was twelve. My father, which I don't call him that, physically and verbally abused my mum and me for years until my grandfather took us away from him. We left the States because of him. My grandfather lived in Surrey and took us there. He originally paid for the security detail until I took over after he died. Nathan, my father, stalks my mum to this day. She used to walk around and secure the house just like you wanted to do.”
“I'm so sorry for you both. The police can't do anything? Won't your mum be safer here with us?” I rub his chest through his shirt. I can feel the tension in his body from his confession.
“The police try, but they can't catch him. He was in the Army Special Forces for years until they found out about the abuse and he was court-martialed. He's good at ditching his tail and the cops. If I bring Mum here, he'll follow, and I can't allow him near you. I love my mum very much, but I won't risk yours or our baby's safety. Besides, he and I don't get along. He blames me for Mum leaving him and wants to kill me. Mum understands and has lived with him doing this for a very long time.”
“You're so wonderful, I don't deserve you.” I feel small and unworthy of his care.
“Yes, you do, it's I who doesn't deserve you. Now sleep, Angel.” He kisses the top of my head. I snuggle into his large body and fall asleep.
Chapter Fourteen
I could lie here with her all day, I'm tired from our restless night but I know I have too many things to do. I like this feeling. Whole, content, and finally at peace. I know I love this woman. There was no doubt when I couldn't see her at the hospital. She's the one. She really is all I need and want. I slide my hand to her stomach, my daughter is nestled inside, growing strong. Mum is going to be excited. Speaking of which, I need to check in with Michael, maybe it's time to get Mum away from London and that wanker. I start to pull away, but Isabella kicks my hand. The soft bump against my hand gives me pause, and I hold my hand there longer. She pushes against me again and I watch as Ana’s belly moves as Isabella rolls around. I relax and lie there enjoying her moving under my hand, Ana groans and shifts around. I sit up and lay my face next to Ana's abdomen.
“Baby girl, let your mum get some rest, please.” She stops moving. I didn't think that would work. I kiss Ana's stomach where my baby girl is and look up at my angel. Her sleepy eyes are looking back at me.
“How'd you do that? She’s always restless when I'm trying to sleep,” she asks me in a sleep-roughened voice.
“She's listening to her daddy,” I say full of confidence. Ana laughs and shakes her head, then closes her eyes again.
I want her so bad, but I know she needs to sleep. I get up and kiss her forehead. “I'll be in the study.”
“Mmhm,” she murmurs sleepily. I smile and head downstairs.
I find the room she said I could use, it's decorated in shades of brown, and there's already a large desk in there. A large leather sofa takes up one wall and matching chairs are in front of the desk. A large wall of shelves with a TV in the center and books surrounding it takes up another wall. The back wall is all glass and looks out over the gardens. I can sit at the desk and turn around to relax. This can't be the room she was talking about. The only other room it could be is locked, so I'm fairly certain this is the one she meant. I'll have to make sure this is not her space I'm taking over. Although it’s made more for a man and doesn't reflect my angel at all. I grab my laptop, set it up, and call Timothy.
“Hey, boss, how's your girl feeling?” My girl, I like the sound of that.
“They're both sleeping. Can you bring your go stuff and come here? I can't leave the house. After I talk to Ana maybe we can set up space here for meetings.”
“On my way, Bossman.”
He hangs up, and I think about how each of these men is like a brother. We fought hard for each other, and even gave our blood. When I decided to take over Securities International, I knew my brothers had to be a part of it. Timothy can shoot and fight just as well as he can hack. Between him, Duncan, and Ian, they're the big guys of our group, not that any of us is small. We each take turns kicking each other's arses.
Maya tries to join in on the sparring, but she's smaller and the guys are worried about hurting her, or Duncan hurting them. Maya being my new partner has brought not only an influx to the finances, but it's also brought me someone to lean on. I know now with my new family that I'll be asking more of her. She's done well while I was in Belfast on the property here. Life's changed so much in such a short time, but I wouldn't change anything. I finally have my angel. I rub my left side where my tattoo is, I can’t wait until Ana sees it.
While I wait for Timothy to show up, I text the rest of the team and put together a quick meeting for tonight to go over the latest information Timothy's found. They all respond back with an affirmative.
Helen knocks on the study door. “Sir, I have Mr. Timothy here for you.” She smiles at me.
“Ms. Helen, you may call me Joshua, and let him in, please.” She nods at me as she backs out, saying she'll bring coffee in a moment. I find it interesting that she knows I prefer coffee to tea. I'm really going to have to talk to my girl.
“Hey, Bossman.”
“Hello. All right, Timothy, let's discuss options before I make this call. Have you worked out an exit strategy for my mum?”
“I have a couple ideas. What are we going to do about Nathan? I can't control his actions, he's unpredictable. We should also consider getting Rebekah and Meghan here too.”