Page 30 of Angel's Kiss
“How soon can I go?” I ask.
“Your nurse will be here in a moment, she has your appointment schedule for the next couple of weeks. Good luck.”
“Thank you, Dr. Parker.”
“May I ask you a question, Mr. Donovan?” She looks at Joshua and directs him away from us.
“Yes, ma'am.” They walk over to the door, and I can't hear what she asks him. I watch as she reaches into her pocket and pulls out an envelope, and hands it to Joshua.
My jealousy is rampant. Dr. Parker is strikingly beautiful with dark brown hair pulled into a bun at the base of her neck. She is skinny but still a little curvy and tall with long legs. She's my complete opposite. Even her glasses don't deter from her beauty. I want to say something but am not sure what, I just lock myself down as usual. He might want my baby and act as if he’s attracted to me, but faced with this beautiful woman, how can he want me? All my insecurities Jonathan pushed come to the surface. I can't compete with a woman like that; she's smart and sexy. Someday he's going to want a woman like her, I'm just a plain woman, who happens to be the mother of his child. I completely avoid looking at Joshua when he walks over to my bed after the beautiful doctor walks out.
“Maya, can you and Duncan give me a ride home?” I don't want to be alone with him.
“Wait a moment, Angel, look at me.”
“Joshua, you and Duncan can step outside while Maya helps me dress, okay?” I say without looking up from my lap.
I continue to avoid looking at him so he won’t see the tears in my eyes. An hour ago, he was into me, now he can't wait to be with her. Who was I kidding? He's exactly like most men.
“Duncan, Maya, will you step out? I need to talk to Ana privately. Duncan, keep the nurse and Maya out there until I tell you the coast is clear,” Joshua states in his “Bossman” tone he uses when he's giving orders to the team.
“Yes, boss!” Duncan says as he takes Maya's hand and practically drags her out. They’re barely out the door, and he’s swinging around to me.
“Listen here, Angel, I don't know what just happened, but you're going to tell me now, and you will look at me when you do.” I continue to look down at my lap. I'm not going to be bossed around. I don't follow orders anymore. “Ana!” He uses that same tone, and I cringe at first, then realize he would never hurt me like Jonathan.
“Joshua, I need to get dressed. I want to go home,” I say in a tone I hope projects I can order people around too.
I finally look up into his stormy eyes, they're almost gray they're so pale. He looks between the door and me. I sit up on the side of the bed.
“Bloody hell, Ana, are you jealous? I wondered when she asked me to talk privately. I actually hoped you would be, but you really are.”
“Watch your language. I don't know what you mean.” I look down again.
“Angel, look at me. She was asking me—”
“I don't want to know as long as you protect Isabella. I will learn to be fine with you seeing other women. I won't expect anything from you. I'll tell them to move you into the spare bedroom downstairs, that way you don’t have to be so close to me. I won't force you to be in my presence any more than you have to.”
“Fine with it? Expect anything else? Force me? There is no woman in my bed but you. Now just relax, she wants me to give Ian this letter. She knows him.” He holds up the letter, I look at him and the envelope.
“Really?” I say as I look up at him and try to believe him and not the voices.
“Angel, how many times do I have to tell you? You. Are. It. For. Me. I don't see other women the way I see you. I'll tell you every day for the rest of our lives if I have to. That wanker bruised you enough and made you feel inferior. I see only you. You’re mine always.” I start to cry at his words, I am bruised and foolish.
“I'm so big and awkward. I'm nothing special; I’m fat even when I'm not pregnant. Now I’m foolish too.”
“Angel, don't ever say you're not special. I saw it all those years ago, and I see it every day now. You’re special to me. You are not fat. Your body turns me on more today than it did six years ago, inside and out. I love your curves. You're not foolish, you've been through so much, Angel.” He steps into my space where I'm sitting on the edge of the bed. He pulls me up, twists me around, and pushes his erection into my backside by my hips. “Do you feel that Angel?” I nod. “I've been that hard since I saw you back in December. Before that, no woman compared to you. The jealousy is a turn on, it shows me how much you want and care for me. However, you're the most beautiful woman in my eyes. That wanker made himself feel better by putting you down. I don't like it or him. You're mine, and you will not be fine with another woman flirting or asking me out. Okay?”
“Yes, Joshua. I'm sorry,” I say breathlessly.
I want him so bad, but I want him to take me facing him, not like this. I pray my gown stays tied, so he doesn't see my scars.
“Do not ever apologize for your feelings. Now, Angel, we got an all clear, I need to get you home.” He gently thrusts his erection into me again, making me moan and him growl. “We need to get home now.”
He walks over to the bag Maya brought and pulls out some clothes; he helps me put on my pants. I hope he is distracted enough to not notice my scars. As he is helping me pull up my yoga pants, he palms my butt. “Angel, this arse is mine.” I giggle at him.
We can't put my shirt on until the nurse comes in to take off my monitors and remove the IV. He walks to the door and lets the nurse and Maya in.
“Angel, I'm going to step out here. There's only so much I can take.” I laugh, and Maya is looking between the two of us, she figures out what was going on and laughs too.