Page 23 of Angel's Kiss
I slide over in the bed. Joshua climbs in and cuddles me into his body. His hand rests on our daughter. Security guards and nurses walk out as the physician walks up to the bed.
“Mr. Donovan, Ms. Preston, I'm sorry. You can stay here, Mr. Donovan, as long as she stays calm. If we can keep her calm, I'll let her go home tomorrow,” the physician says in a shaky voice. She has a curious look on her face as she looks at us. There is tenderness in her eyes as she focuses on Joshua.
“Thank you, Dr. Parker,” he says without taking his eyes from me.
“Dr. Parker, where's my regular physician?” I ask her.
“Ms. Preston, your care was referred to me because of your blood pressure issues. I specialize in high-risk pregnancies like yours. I believe we were supposed to meet Wednesday, but as usual, babies have their own timeline. If we can keep your blood pressure under control, you should be able to carry your baby to term,” she says with confidence.
“Okay, but please, don't make Joshua leave me again and I promise I'll be better. Also, we can't have my name listed as a patient. If my ex-husband finds me, he'll kill us both.”
“Yes, ma'am. I read your chart and saw the precautions that need to be taken. I'll allow your guards to be posted outside your door.”
“Thank you, Dr. Parker,” we both say. She leaves, and I look at my family all gathered around me. Joshua is lying in bed with me, my left hand with the IV is resting on his chest. Typical Joshua, he starts barking orders.
“Duncan, Maya, why don't you take James and Timothy back to the estate in your Rover. Ian, Derek, and Raul, one-man guard, cause I'll be here. Who wants to go first?” His eyes again never leave my face as he knows his team will listen to what he tells them to do.
“Aye, guess I will,” Ian says.
“Are you sure? I know how you feel about hospitals,” Joshua asks as he turns and finally breaks his stare. He watches Ian closely to see his response.
“It’s okay. For Ana, I'll bear it.” He smiles at me.
“Okay, Raul and Derek, you go back. One of you come back in twelve. Okay?”
“Got it, Bossman,” they both say.
Maya, Duncan, and Daddy give me kisses. Derek, Raul, and Timothy wave bye. And it is finally just Joshua and me.
“Angel, don't ever do that to me again. I thought I was going to die,” he says as he stares at me again.
“I'm sorry,” I squeak. Unable to take the intense look, my eyes drop.
“Don't apologize, Angel. I should've talked to you first. I did what I’ve always done, I took charge. I thought if I took claim and protected Isabella, he would have to give you the divorce.” He takes my face in his large hands again, and I look up at him.
I feel like he's searching my soul.
“Joshua, can you do me a favor?” I have to ask. What’s the worst he can say?
“Yes, Angel, anything.”
“First, try to talk to me from now on. I need to know I still have some control over my life. He took so much away from me for so long. And second…kiss me again.” I bite my bottom lip and hope I don’t sound too needy.
“Angel, my darling, you control me. And, yes, I’d love nothing more than to kiss you again.” He leans down and kisses me, at first just a small peck like before, but then he groans, and he's kissing me as if he’s trying to tell me something important and imprint himself on me. His tongue brushes my lips, and I open to him. Again he groans, and I moan as he starts to plunder my mouth. His tongue sweeps around my mouth, stroking my tongue and pulling me into the bliss. My monitors start beeping, and he pulls away.
“Angel, are you getting excited?” He chuckles.
“You caught me, your kisses drive me crazy,” I confess.
“Just looking at you drives me crazy, Angel.”
“Hush, I'm fat and awkward now.”
“Angel, you've never looked sexier to me than you do now. Knowing that’s now my baby in there turns me on more than you can believe. I know biologically she isn't mine, but she'll never know any different. She's my daughter,” he says as he gently rubs my baby bump.
My brain is too fuzzy to comprehend everything, but I know deep down this is what I've always wanted.
“Thank you, Joshua. I can’t ever repay you for your sacrifice.”