Page 104 of Angel's Kiss
“I know, it’s okay. Are you both okay?”
“Better, but still trying to figure this all out. How does my mother have an older brother? How did my father die when she said she was going to die?”
“Those are all good questions, let's get through all these letters first. After that, we'll process the information,” Joshua says from beside me.
“Do you want me to read it, Duncan?”
“Please,” he says as he takes Maya in his arms again.
I grasp the letter in trembling fingers and worry that I'll break down in the middle of this.
“Anabel and Duncan, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to protect your mother better. She was my dearest and closest friend. She was my sister. I regret every day that I couldn't keep the danger away from her. I wish I could've been there to watch you grow up, but I had to keep my distance. I did watch you each from the sidelines.” I swallow the sob I want to let pass my lips. My eyes blur from the tears and I feel Daddy’s hand on my shoulder with a handkerchief. I take it and dab my eyes, then taking a deep breath, I start again.
“Duncan, after your mother died, your father buried himself in his work and raising you kids. The thought of you getting hurt and leaving him too was such a fear that instead of understanding your choice to join the military, he shut you out. He loves you and never stopped. Your father will realize his mistake and come to you. You're growing to be such a wonderful man, I'm proud of you. Don't ever forget your mum loved you too. She watches over you every day you are fighting this evil. Protect your little sister and marry a strong woman. I love you, Duncan.” Duncan pushes up from the table and begins pacing.
“Anabel, seeing you today brought so many memories back. You look so much like Bella. You're beautiful and strong, just like her. Never forget that you're strong in your way. Do me a favor, teach Maya to enjoy life. You are so full of life and energy, my Maya may act like a robot sometimes, but she wants to laugh and love too. Ana, you are very talented, I hope your life is filled with your art. Your father probably never told you, but your m…m…mum was an artist too.” I’ve seen some of her drawings and know how talented she was. I envy her landscapes.
“Kiss your father and brother from me. Never forget your mother died protecting you. I'm going to try to do the same for all you children.
“I wish I could tell you the name of the man who took your mother, but I don't know for sure. I only know he's close to you all in some way.
“I've made sure that you all are safe and will remain that way.
“Please, children, don't trust Marcus, he's involved in some way. There are too many coincidences with him.
“Love you both, Aunty Cara.” Tears fall from my eyes as Joshua wraps his arms around me. I look over to see Duncan with unshed tears in his eyes. He's holding Maya tightly to his side. Daddy clears his throat and looks around the group.
“My turn,” he says as he pushes back his shoulders and sits up straighter. I know he wishes he could've done something to protect Mum and Aunt Cara.
“James, I don't know where to begin this. You've been like a brother to me for so long, and all I've done is bring death to you. I’m sorry.” He pauses, taking a deep breath before he continues. “Please protect my daughter, teach her to love and live. I've done what I can to protect all of you. I'm not choosing to die but I must to protect you all. Please keep an eye on Yoseph. He doesn't understand this and is upset with me for choosing this way, but it's the only way.
“Owen and I came up with the idea that if I died and Yoseph lived, it would give the girls long enough to make it to maturity. I'll do what I can to protect you all, even from the grave. Owen works for the man that started this. For my safety, he won’t tell me who it is. I have my suspicions though.
“Don't trust Marcus, he's a part of this in some way. Ever since I broke it off with Marcus in college, he's tried to pressure me into getting back together with him. There's a man in California that Marcus knows who's involved in some way too. His name is Charles Sullivan, he's rich and powerful, investigate him. He was with Marcus at the shore when Bella had her accident.
“I've tried to protect you all and hope this works. If it doesn't, go after Marcus, I’m confident he'll lead you to Sir. Again, protect Maya and your children. I trust you with my child. Don't let her blame herself. I'm truly sorry for the pain I've caused you.
“One more thing. Owen has a daughter. Sir is able to control Owen because of her. Please find her and protect her. I know she was living in London, she is a gymnast and was studying at Goldsmith's. Owen calls her D. They’ve already killed his wife. If they find out I've included her in the trust, her life will be in greater danger.
“Please forgive me for bringing this to your doorstep. You're the only family my daughter has if this goes wrong and Yoseph dies too. Don't let Marcus into her life if you can help it. If I'm too late, get him away from her now. Love, Cara.” Daddy stops, and I see the tears shining in his eyes.
“Okay, here goes, last letter,” Duncan says quietly.
I watch one of my closest friends prepare to read a letter meant for the man who married Maya. I know nothing in that letter will change how he feels about her. Cara wanted to protect her family, and thought her death would. Obviously that didn’t work. We need to find out what really happened to Yoseph, he wasn’t supposed to die. My angel and Maya are wreaked from all this.
“Hello, so, you're the man that's caught my Maya. She's strong on the outside, don't let this fool you though, she has the gentlest heart. Don't try to control her, but do not let her run you over. Love her every day and teach her to enjoy life. I hope you are strong because you'll need to be. I'm giving you this money because I want you to protect her, and this will allow you to.” Duncan pauses for a moment.
“Today, as she walks down the aisle to you on Yoseph's arm, remember to kiss her cheek from her momma. In the box with the letter is the tie tack Yoseph wore the day we eloped, wear it with pride from me. Never forget that I'll be watching out for you both. I hope you have many babies and that you both live life to your fullest.
“Also, never forget that James and his son will come after you if you hurt my baby. Thank you, Cara.” He chuckles and pulls Maya close, kissing the top of her head.
We all laugh at the ending, and I find it very ironic that he might have to kick his own arse.
“We need to talk to Jennifer,” Ian interrupts.
“I was worried about that and hoped I was wrong. Am I right that he is the California connection?”