Page 100 of Angel's Kiss
“The moniker on it and all the other artwork is AL, what does that mean?” Patrice asks.
“It's something I did in university.” I squirm, knowing that if Joshua finds out, he'll laugh.
“Is L for your middle name?”
“Will you just tell her what it means?” Maya laughs.
“All right, it stands for Angel, Lieutenant.” I smile at Joshua.
“That's your pseudo name?” he says with a smile.
“Yes, it was Maya's idea.”
He leans down to kiss my forehead.
“I love it.”
When we get back to the compound, Rebekah and Meghan are waiting for us. The little girl has her father's eyes but the red hair of her mother, she's going to be beautiful when she gets older. I know the loss of Christopher hurts my brother, they’d been friends since before Mum died.
We proceed to Maya and Duncan's parlor where we sit and relax for a little while. I want to go home with my little family and just be us. The events of the last few days have made me realize that I want this man and this life.
Am I strong enough for him? Am I strong enough to withstand what will happen in the coming months and years?
We still don't know why Mum and Maya's parents were killed. I look to Duncan and Maya, they want a baby, and they want to bring life into this unrest. I look at the man I love holding our little girl in his arms while he leads these people.
Joshua is walking around giving orders and making sure the organization of the contents from the depository is done. My father is sitting in the corner just watching everyone as I am. I stand and walk to him, as I bend down to him, I see how much the last year has aged him.
“I love you, Daddy.” I kiss his cheek.
“I love you, Ana sweetheart.” He pats my arm. “I'm sorry I didn't take care of this sooner. I should have realized what Jonathan was doing to you. I should have fought harder to find out who killed your mum before Maya lost her family.”
“Oh, Daddy, you did what you could. I stayed with Jonathan to protect all of you. As for Mum, we'll find them and make them pay.” I feel his presence before he touches me.
“Angel, we'll make them all pay. I swear I will protect you and our family with my own life if I have to.” I turn to him, and he pulls me into his side. Isabella is nestled into his other side. My family. I look around the room, all these people are my family.
“Joshua, you're the best man for my daughter. Thank you for being patient and waiting for her,” Daddy says with pride in his eyes.
“To be honest, James, there was never any other woman for me after I laid eyes on her.” His arm tightens around me.
“Joshua, can we go home and go over all this tomorrow?” I swing my arm indicating all the evidence.
“Yes, Angel. Maya, Duncan, we're going home. Mum, Michael, want to come or are you staying?” He leads me and Isabella from the manor, his mum and Michael pulling up the rear, and we head to our home.
Chapter Thirty-Seven
I take my girls up to our rooms. I place little Bella in her bassinet and cover her, thanking God she is still with me. Turning around, I take my angel in my arms. “I love you, Angel.”
“I love you too.”
“Are you okay? Want to take a shower?”
“Yes, I would love to take a shower.” I lead her to the bathroom where I slowly strip her down. I use the plastic bandages to cover the wound on her back.
We step into the shower, I want this woman so badly, but I know we need to wait. As the water slides over her body, I slip my hands around her and start rubbing the soapy sponge along her curves. Her breathing increases and I feel my balls pull up. She leans up, and I kiss her lips in a searing kiss.